Try to steal the gun

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:43, 22 July 2011 by Mr. Animation (Talk | contribs)
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While the masked weirdo is harassing a fat couple you jump him from behind and pull the mask off. He turns around and his face is revealed to be one similar to a pig's. Of course! It's Pig-Face, the infamous petty criminal! You tell him to get out of here and he does.

He runs away and you are revered as a hero to your fellow man. He get a slight boost of confidence and the gift card is now usable, in honor of your heroic deeds!

Wow! But wait...that's not what you wanted right? Shit. You wanted to steal the gun, that's right...damn, I screwed up this time. Fine...

Okay so the guy is harassing the couple. You tap him on the shoulder and he turns around. He grab for the gun but the masked weirdo shoots you dead.

Okay, that's better...sorry..

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