MOTDE: "Let´s talk about your mother Kris, what kind of woman was she?"

From Create Your Own Story

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You stand tall and imposing, eyeing Kris with a haughty look dying your beautiful face. "So Kris, tell me about your mother, what kind of woman was she?"

Small whispers begin to fill the closely-watching crowd. They anxiously await her answer, each dark elf having evil intentions of exploiting Kris´s public humiliation to amuse their own wicked egos, and you are happy to give it to them.

After a few seconds Kris chooses her reply. "Please don´t talk about my mother while she´s... touching me, High-Huntress." She says and ends with a audible gulp.

The subject deeply offends Kris, you can tell by the small irritated, twitching of her eyebrows and lips. She is right to be offended, Rainye is diligently working her perky nipples, rubbing and caressing them with her skilled and experienced fingers. They are stiffening in response to her colleges touch, forcing thoughts of family and arousal to mix is an insult to any dark elf.

You yell back at her with a stern voice, "answer me, what kind of woman was your mother Kris!" Your tone changes from demanding to curious. "A pious one perhaps?"

"Y-Yes she was a priestess." Kris stutters forth.

Immediately after Kris words stop Rainye menacingly digs her sharp fingernails into Kris´s hardened nipples.

"IIIIIIAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Kris screams at the top of her lunges from the sudden and sharp pain. For the first time Kris truly struggles against her bounds but finds them unbreakable. Rainye pinches the sensitive pink knobs hard without mercy or restraint. She puts immense pressure on them with her sharp nails to squeeze out as many torturous shrieks as possible.

The crowd is stunned as Kris´s screams continue to fill the camp. It had been as unexpected to them as it was for Kris. Several of them drop their jaw at the abrupt torture. Clan Char´s brutality and lack of hesitation fills them with dread, awe and the conflicting emotion of admiration.

Finally, Rainye stops cramping down on the defenseless nipples. Kris´s hellish screams of agony takes quite a while to stop after that, dying down slowly into shivering whimpers. Kris´s body trembles from pain and her lips flutter in fear. Rayine´s soft but ill-willed fingers gently touch Kris´s taut nipples again. Instantly Kris grits her teeth hard and fills with panicky emotions.

"Hurts doesn't it? Rainye is not only an expert in pleasure but also in pain," You inform her casually with the same haughty look on your face. "That´s what you get for lying to us you scamming piece-of-cunt-meat!" You scream the last part.

Kris stares at you with a heaving chest and wide, panicky eyes. Rainye´s fingers walk like a spider along the grayish-black skin of Kris´s large udders. Rainye´s prancing fingers not only work to retain the lingering pain, but also to quickly bring back the teasing arousal in her tits. They are such conflicting but strong sensations. You clearly see the confusion play out across Kris´s face as she tries to keep calm during this tortuous interrogation.

"We know everything about you and your family Kris. Whenever a lowlife SLAVE like you join our order of huntresses we do a background check on your pathetic lives. I´ve read the report, so have Minvir, as Treccia, and especially Rainye."

Rainye chuckles into the ear of her fellow huntress. Her scornful laughter sends chills down Kris´s spine. Your expert servant in arousal move to grope the fat but sensitive underside of Kris´s mammaries.

"Your tits feel like fat cow udders." Rainye sultry whispers. She then moves to Kris´s nipples and squeezes them between her fingers. "But your nipples are like small, hard cherries." She says for all to hear.

Kris groans embarrassingly in response, not only from the arousal, but from being publicly evaluated of her sexual assets like a slave at the market.

Knowing that Rainye has said what she momentarily wanted to say, you return with the same stern voice, "if you ever lie to us again, Rainye will pinch where it hurts the most."

Rainye´s hand travels down to Kris´s hairless pussy-mound. There she immediately finds what she´s searching for. Rainye gently squeezes Kris´s sensitive and knobbing clit between her thumb and forefinger.

"Aaahhh!" Kris´s body jolts at being touched at the heart of her erogenous zones. Her fiery howl of instinctive response is loud enough for all to hear. She begins winching as Rainye continues to masturbate her. Her bodies twitching movements are not only from pleasure, but also from the fear of pain that the thought of having Rainye´s sharp nipples digging into the sensitive pleasure box.

"I-I´ll answer High-Huntress. Please just do..."

"Good!" You interrupt her. "Now let´s begin from the start. Who was your mother?"

Rainye´s other hand grips Kris´s jaw, dragging it upwards so that her neck bends as far as the bone allows while she continues to play with the exposed clit. There are drips of wetness forming in Kris´s pink pussy, the woman's sexual instincts working despite the still lingering pain and blazing public humiliation.

"She was, s-she was a servant of Char."

"She was a SLAVE you ignorant sow!" You howl at her.

Not being titled a slave is something beyond value for any subservient Drow. Since slave is one of the greatest of insults in Drow society, subservient clans cling to the still stigmatized and humiliating word servant. But a servant is skies above a slave. A slave does not own their own body, a slave has no rights, a slave´s life is spent solely to amuse, glorify and pleasure their owners, at the extent of their own exploited dignity. Whole clans have surrendered just for the privilege of being called a servant instead of a slave, although their tasks are still considered slavish. Kris´s clan Hissim is one such clan, servants forced to be harlots.

"Your clan surrendered to Char," you inform Kris."We own your minds and bodies. You serve when we tell you to serve, go where we tell you to go, and fuck whoever we tell you to fuck. Your daughter's birth our children. This charade of servitude, these small and futile privileges that you still posses are just there because Char allows them to be. If I wish to call you, or your mother a slave, then there is nothing you or your pathetic clan can do about it!" You yell at her.

During your speech Kris has begun to cry in humiliation, despite tightly closing her eyes the salt-filled tears stream down her young cheeks. Rainye scoops her tongue along the waterway, tasting the fresh tears of her victim.

"Now, what kind of slave was your mother?"

"She... S-she was... ahhha!"

Rainye spreads Kris´s pussy lips open just before the reveal, letting long strings of clear, syrupy juices drip down onto the grass. A loud gasp can be heard from the audience as if they created the sound in unison.

"She was a prostitute!" Kris screams finally reveal.

A mocking laughter fills the encampment. The crowd laughs, you laugh, Minvir and Treccia laugh. The only one who doesn´t laugh is Rainye, who takes the opportunity to skillfully wiggles her index finger into Kris´s blistering hot and wet cunt.

"Eahhh!" Kris indecently moans at her most shameful moment. Rainye buries her finger to the knuckle.

"A prostitute!? Just like her daughter then?" Treccia remarks.

"No! I´m a hunt..."

"No," you quickly interrupt. "You are a common slut meant to be molested by huntresses."

"You mean..."

"You don´t think I could have a public fuck toy as one of my huntresses did you?" Despite the obviousness of your words their sound still fills Kris with saddening loss. Being a huntress was the only way for her to become more than just some daughter of a over-used fuckhole.

"Now fuck-slut slave, what are you?" You growl at her.

"A fuck-slut slave," Kris meekly admits to the vocal amusement of the crowd.

"Whose fuck-slut slave are you?"

"Yours," Kris says as another load of bodily fluids flow down from her open cunt.

All of you share a loud snicker in progress. "Now Kris, returning to your dear prostitute-mom. Was she an expansive prostitute?" You say while the scornful laughs continue.

"No... ahhha!" Kris moans again as Rainye´s palm begins circularly rubbing her stiffened clit while her finger probes ever deeper.

Surrounded by leering enemies, the young Drow feels deep and untapped pleasure being directly stimulated and stirred up inside her. Her stomach churns and roils, and her already soaked pussy grows ever wetter. She´s unconsciously begun panting, and dots of sweat starts decorating her beautiful black body. Although she´s not fully aware or understanding of its affect Kris begins to enter a feverish state of arousal that she has to fight in order to retain even crumpets of her lost dignity and respect.

Resiliently Kris shakes her head out of Rainye´s grip and girths her teeth shut much to the surprise of the Drow whose done this over a hundred times before. Kris is trying desperately to repress the trembling and numbing sensation welling up inside her. She struggles to calm down and get her breathing under control. She does not want to be aroused while telling the story of her prostitute mother in front of her former colleges, the heir of her clans overlord, and the crowd of on-looking soldiers.

"Oh, a cocky youngster aren't you." Rainye says like a stern mother. "Do you know what slaves with attitude problems get?"

Rainye´s loosened hand quickly sneaks behind Kris and travels downwards, reaching the valley of her ample ass-globes. She promptly tap the puckered butthole with the tip of her index finger.

"Eeiiikkkhh!" Kris yelps as her body jolts to the new experience.

"Hmhmhm, rebellious slaves take it in the ass Kris," You sneer at her. "Did you mother ever take it in the ass?" You say and look at her with cool amusement.

Having felt insulted at her resistance, Rainye works with new and personal motivation on breaking down Kris´s sexual resistance. She´s smothering the fleshy pulp of her finger against Kris´s puckered and tightened anus-ring. The experienced Drow uses soft, teasing, but still frustratingly intrusive strokes, itching the enclosed hole to open itself. Despite having found another orifice to be ashamed off Kris is still breathing heavily. Her wantonly fever has only intensified to cloud her judgment and accept the embarrassment as just another kind of arousal.

While preparing her ass for penetration Rainye´s skilled and merciless fingers are still working Kris´s wanton pussy into a frenzy. She digs four fingers into it, it makes splashy sounds.

"Y-Yes, she took it in her ass, all the time." A distorted Kris admits.

"Ahahaha! And did she swallow their dick after being in her dirty butt?"

"Ahh... Yes, yes she did!" She admits quickly.

"With her foul, brown rectum fluids still attached to their cocks?"

"Y-Y, Yes..." She pants heavily. "They came down her throat, a-a and used her as a urinal."

You cover your mouth as you laugh away with the crowd at Kris´s shameful exposure. It´s not enough, that her mother was such a whore, but the former-huntress voice is hot, heavy and can barely form coercive sentences. Her eyes appear hazy, and the small dots of sweat has transformed to huge beads of water running down her feverish body.

Without warning Kris jerks and moans as she feels two fingers penetrating her virgin butthole. Rainye has totally unannounced stopped rubbing the puckered butthole and started fingering it like a pussy. Rainye´s slick and slim hands have no problem pounding away at the tight, virgin, opening, she piston fucks it with steady strokes.

"Did your mother ever lick pussy? Was she ever awarded the taste of Char´s nectar?" You question.

"No... hhuu... Since her mouth was turned into a dump for men´s urine and cum... uhhh... she... ahhhww... she was deemed orally impure and contagious, so she was forbidden... Urg, uuhhhaaaahhh!"

Kris can´t finish the sentence before heavy, heaving moans overcome her voice. Her body is filling with surrendering, orgasmic energy that´s being concentrated in her cunt and butt. Rainye´s fingers presses just at the right spot to intensefy her insane arousal. She feels like she´s about to explode as you see her slippery juices streaming down her quivering thighs.

Gracefully Rainye presses down on Kris with her shoulder, guiding her gently to the ground. The groped huntress falls to her knees, all the while her former partner keeps pounding away at her delicate insides with her crafty fingers.

"Ahh... ahh." Her young moans fill the camp as her pussy made lecherous, squishy sounds. All trails of embarrassment are gone in her moans, now only the lewd, wanton pleasure remains.

The crowd hollers in amazement. It´s a spectacle to them, seeing such a prideful and aspiring young Drow who moments ago considering her future better than theirs, being shamefully exposed about her mother's disgraceful life while simultaneously being groped to watery arousal.

"Don´t let her cum until I´m done questioning her Rainye," You tell your servant who nods in response. "And believe me Kris, her fingers are skilled enough to keep you just where I want you. Your saucy cunt won´t climax in front of all these gathering people until I say so." You announce with authority.

After all this time fighting the arousal that was the last thing Kris wanted to hear. The sweat drenched slut tosses her light-headed skull around, both in trembling pleasure and frustration. She tries to push her hips against Rainye´s fingers, but the skillful huntress reads her body movement and easily moves away. Kris groans loudly in frustration.

"So you are the daughter of a woman who was so disgraceful and rotten that she was forbidden to even touch the sacred clit of a Char woman?" you say in a conversational tone.

"Urg... yes! Ahhh..." The sweat soaked Kris yelps.

"And during her service as a prostitute, did she ever become fertilized by a male of Char? Was her womb ever incubated against her will?"

"Yes." Kris pants heavily before continuing. "She was unwillingly...uhhh... and ...arghhh... spontaneously impregnated three times be Char males." Kris admits with bloodshot, teary eyes. "Now please! let me cum! my cunt is... is... boiling ahhh!"

Rainye retracts her hand from Kris´s cum sodden pussy, her palm and fingers now soaked with Kris´s sticky and syrupy fluids. Rainye proceeds to drag her hand across Kris´s distained but lewdly aroused face, smearing all of Kris´s own intoxicating juices all of her face.

Kris breathes in the aroma smeared under her nose, and tasted it´s rich flavor stuck on her lips. You see in her eyes that she grows incredibly light-headed from the experience. Her head rolls around bonelessly on her shoulders, before finally fixing on you once again with an even more vacant, bleak stare.

"Cum..." She sobbingly pleads.

"Usually children sired between a non-subjugated male and a slave prostitute of a slave clan are to be considered property of the males clan," You state totally ignoring her previous plead. "Yet the bastards spat out of your mother's womb during her sexual service where rejected and sent back to clan Hissam. Why was that so Kris?"

Kris face falls even further into humiliation. She wants to have the strength to resist, but the scorching arousal twirling and thrumming in her belly denies her any other option. She needs to do anything in order to cum.

"Because her... her mouth and belly... fuhhh... was still... ahhhaa... being used as a cum and piss dump during the entirety of her pregnancy!" Kris screams with a loud surrendering voice.

The response in from the crowd is deafening, but you pay them no attention. Kris head has fallen forward, her snow white hair flying across her face.

"Let me cum!" She shouts. "I need to cum, cum, cum now, cum now! Ahhggg! Cum, I need to cum uaaahhhh!" Kris screams like a wild, berserking, animal in demand. She has given up all dignity and respect to cum. Her future lies in ruin over the demand of one single orgasm.

"So those children where nourished in their mother's womb by the piss and cum of hundreds of men of Char!?" You say more like a statement than a question.

"Yes, Now let me, urrrggghh! AHHhh let me cum, let me cum, fwwahhhh! Cum!"

Kris has begun jerking and bucking hysterically, the blazing arousal seem to finally haven driven her mind over the edge.

Your voice suddenly turns dead serious, having held a casual voice, with undertones of scornfulness most of the time up until now. "There is one more thing Kris, one more thing you must tell me and all others."

Kris freezes almost instantly, going from lust-crazy wailing to bone-still in a matter of seconds. She raises her head again and looks at you with devastated, bloodshot eyes.

"No! There´s no more to tell. Fwaaahhh! Cum, I need to cum ahhhaa!" Her demands turns to tears. "Oh please let me cum!"

"During her service your mother attended private parties held by a most honorable lady Feviriva..."

"No, lies, let me cum! Urghhh!" She loudly interrupts you in denial. You swiftly slap her face harshly, the sharp pain stinging at her arousal. Rainye smugly laughs with great hate and scorn.

You resume with the same grave tone, "There she was bree..."

"No!" She interrupts again. "She neve... IIIIAAAAGGGHHHH!" Rainye once again mercilessly digs the sharp end of her fingernails into Kris´s perky and stiff nipples to end her defiant words.

The crowd is more engaged than ever. Despite Kris´s hotter-than-magma arousal and her submission to all your other intrusive and humiliating question in exchange for allowing to climax this question she´s determined to refuses to answer.

"Don´t lie to me slave! If you do it one more time Rainye will rip that knobbing clit of yours right off! Your mother was a whore at one of lady Feviriva´s parties and there she was chosen to be breed with a foul creature for the amusement of lady Feviriva´s guests!" You practically scream the truth into her face. "Now tell me," you say with the most hateful voice you can muster, "what creature was she breed with!"

"An orc, it was a orc!" Kris´s words silence the encampment.

"So..." You begin calmly. "You are the sister of some dumb, vile, filthy-smelling, green-skinned orc! " Your voice turns loud and accusing. "Your mother carried it, nurtured it, and birthed it with a womb meant for beautiful and superior Drow child! And you, you Kris, dared defile the elven race by sharing it´s womb and sucking milk from the same teat!? That makes you as ugly and revolting as your brute sibling and all of its hideous species!" The scorn and hatred in your voice reaches its apex. "And you dare have the audacity, to lewdly enjoy your licentious pussies frolicking and sopping arousal of humiliation, while you reveal what a horrid abomination and insult you are to the entire honorable elven race!!!"

"Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhahhha!" Kris mouth and body just spasms and moans in response. Rainye has begun unrestrictedly twitching her fingers inside her sleek pussy again. She is painfully close to orgasm, having reached the point where the humiliation and wrongness are just pulsating sensations adding to her insane arousal.

The crowd grows unruly, highly insulted at the revelation of Kris´s kinship with orc´s. Their loud hollering turns more blunt and brutish, demanding that Kris be punished.

You form a harsh, gutturally groan with implications of being offended.

"You must be punished Kris," you say with the same tone. "As High-Huntress I cannot let your crimes against our race go unpunished! I will cleanse you with my seed!"

During the interrogation your cock has stiffened and wormed inside your pants. It pulsates in pleasure that demands satisfaction. Finally you get the change to unbutton your pants and let the black monster loose. The black meat-tool springs forth in fully size with a throbbing, bulbous, purple cockhead already slick with pre-cum drooling from the glans. A loud gasp flies through the audience as the full length of your black snake is revealed. They heard of its size, but didn´t believe the rumors.

You grasp the meaty shaft with your fingers, not being able to fully encircle the fat girth. Slowly but steadily you begin to jerk it up and down while pointing it straight at Kris´s deliriously horny face. You grimace a terrible grin as the electric pleasure begins to fill you. Kris mind is clouded by a heavy mist of pleasure that prevents her from taking any measures to protect her honor.

"Rainye." You say. "Make her cum!"

Instantly Rainye digs four fingers deep-to-the-knuckle into Kris´s gaping and dribbling pussy and begins furiously finger fucking the wanton hole while simultaneously grinding her thumb against the swollen clitoris. For good measure she begins assaulting Kris´s recently-virgin butthole with the same relentless speed.

Faced with the heavy bombardment of raw and lewd ecstasy, Kris´s already boiling body explodes in delirious waves of carnal pleasure. Her buzzing head thrashed wildly from side to side as her hips jerk and buck frantically back against Rainye´s deeply penetrating fingers.

Cumming! ahhh, cumming, cumming, cumming ahhhhhh.... ahhhaaa! Ohh, ohooh. Ohohhhhhhh!"

Kris´s loud, guttural and uncontrollable shrieks of pleasure makes Rainye laugh cruelly in delight. Kris pulsates in violent jerks to the orgasm that widely exceeds her threshold. You masturbate your stone-hard cock furiously, getting ready to coat her with your sperm in just the right moment.

Kris quivers through the earth-shattering climax with a constant O-face emitting uncontainable lewd moans. But as she feels the heat lessen in her constantly molested pussy a second, more-powerful-and-with-an-hidden-agenda slams into her right on the heels of the first one.

"Nuhhhuuhh, can´t stop cumming. Uhhuhh, pussy cumming again, pussy cumming again! cum, cum, cummingggg AHHHHHhhh!!!"

Deep in the pink, fleshy furrow that is her elven pussy the pressure from the orgasm sends squirt water spraying out of her cunt. Clear, but salacious fluids squirts out of her orgasming pussy onto your legs, wetting them and spraying as far up as your kneecaps. The lecherous juices makes loud, watery, gushy sounds as they are spurted out from the depths of her swollen and damp fuck-hole. All while Rainye continues to piston fuck her with her fingers through the intense second-coming of her wondrous climax.

The pleasure reaches its apex and Kris´s brain shuts down for sheer sensory overloading. Her head springs up into the air and then falls sluggishly to her shoulders as her eyes rolls back into her eye-sockets and jaw hangs slouchy open.

"Perfect," you groan. "Time to... cum! UUAAaahhhh!"

Kris´s delirious and orgasm-stricken expression is the perfect target to spurt your seed on. Thick wads of gooey, semi-fluid, white cum splashes into Kris´s dark face. The first big chunk of concentrated spunk splashes right into Kris´s half-closed, pupil-absent left eye, the other even larger and thicker splash of sperm lands on her cheek, while the third sticky load of smelly spunk lands just into her flaring nostrils. With the three loads covering much as they sluggishly stream down Kris´s face and you with still much white fuel in your black balls you aim for her lifelessly open mouth. Several splays of it splashes directly into her wet mouth and slithers down her gullet into her awaiting belly. Kris shows her first sign of life as she coughs to the air-blocking heavy sperm bits you send down her throat, it´s so thick she almost have to chew it before it can be swallowed down her food-pipe.

The intense, almost aching orgasmic pleasure reduces in strength in your balls and cock as the last companionship of spunk files out of the glands and lands on Kris´s sweat-covered forehead.

"Urgghh... Urgh That was a good orgasm. Don´t you agree Kris?" You ask her semi-conscious body.

"A beautiful shoot High-Huntress," Minvir compliments you. She´s right, you absolutely hosed her with your cum.

Rainye finally pulls her fingers out of Kris´s overworked pussy and anus. Amusingly Kris´s body seems to twitch and flinch as if experiencing aftershocks from her overwhelming orgasm. Rainye takes the liberty to taste Kris´s girl-cum stuck on her hand, scooping it clean with her tongue. Her other hand that´s been molesting Kris´s virgin-anus she sticks into Kris´s mouth where she easily cleans them clean from any filthy remains.

You put your cock back in your pants and Rainye gets up from Kris´s still twitching and filching body. The crowd makes no sound. Although they where ecstatically amused just moments ago.

"Make sure she returns to full consciousness Treccia," you order your sister. "I want her in my tent in the morning, and I want all of you and the rest of the huntresses there with me waiting for her." You tell Minvir, Treccia and Rainye.

Unfaced and quietly you turn around and leave, Rainye and Minvir flanking you. Kris still lays collapsed on the harsh ground, her face decorated with your bodily punishment and clit still thrumming in aftershock from the orgasm.


Kris is visually nervous and frightened as she enters your tent the next sunny morning. You and your huntresses stand in a half-circle around Kris, eyeing her mockingly like a newly conquered slave. Every member of your unit have been informed in vivid detail what happened last night, and they are all disappointed that they missed it.

Your huntresses also stand in full battle gear, but not you, having just got out of bed your still naked and spotting a morning hard-on. Kris trembles as she lays her eyes on it, the experiences from yesterday fresh in memory. She averts her eyes, but still shakes from the fear.

You walk up to her.

"So, is your pussy still aroused from hearing about your mother exploits last night? Is there still some lewd churning inside you that me and Rainye need to deal with?"

"It´s... its´s..."

"No matter," you dismissively tell her. "I have a proposition for you."

Treccia walks over and hand you a contract. You give it to Kris.

"What´s this!?"

"A breeding contract." You tell her.

Kris´s jaw drops.

"It concerns your voluntarily assignment to the Char breeding houses. Your body shall be made public and available to any Char male. They shall have unrestricted access to all your holes and will fuck you until pregnancy occurs. At birth the child shall be considered belonging fully to clan Char, you will have no legal claims to the children, just an incubator for men to satisfy their desires into. You give her a derisive smile. "Much like your mother, eh Kris?"

Your words are like sharp welts upon Kris´s broken face. The part about her mother sends her into a deep spiral of despair.

"At all times you will be restricted to the walls of the breeding house until your term is completed. Your term is set for ten birthed children." You end with a smile.

"No..." Kris meekly whispers.

"Or you could volunteer for Char´s orc breeding program. We´re experimenting with elven-orc hybrids. Such experiments always have need for young and fertile potential mothers. Again, much like your mother..." After a long pause you continue with a sultry voice. "You might even meet your brother there Kris."

"NO!" You gaze deep into the tear filled eyes of Kris, savoring the expression of absolute defeat upon her fallen face. She is broken, her destiny ruined, the glory yours alone.

The former huntress gets down on her knees and bows deeply, her forehead touching the ground, signifying her compliance. Kris turns around to leave, finding the breeding house mistress waiting for her at the exit, the woman to take her to her nightmares.

"I hope you´ve learned your lesson," you say and smack her on the tush. "Never speak against a woman from Char ever again."

Kris freezes as your hand smacks her ass, she has learned her lesson. Then she leaves with the breeding house mistress, beginning her long and agonizing service to clan Char. It´s the last you see of her.


"She had potential," Your sister says while you put on your huntress clothes, trying to muster some neutrality in her voice.

"Char needs more children," You tell her, "she is more useful to us in the breeding dens than on the battlefield."

Treccia bows her head in compliance. She sees the egalitarian benefits for Char of your actions.

Second in command huntress Minvir step forward. What are your orders High-Huntress Daine?" she says and bows her head, shortly followed by the rest bowing theirs.

Two other Huntresses by the name of Trix and Silvir steps up to you to assist in strapping on your deadly huntress gear. You dress while Trix and Silvir assists, you put on the garment while they strap on your various belts and equipment.

"The army is ready to march," Minvir says," the surface-dwellers has not become aware of our presents here as of yet so we´ll move concealed and catch them by surprise. Scouts have located the capital. As co-commander you only need to speak and we obey, and as High-Huntress you are also traditionally the head of the vanguard. We move when you say we move High-Huntress." Minvir ends and finishes with another submissive bow.

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