MOTDE: Undress, throw her on your bed, and fuck her virginity

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"Throw that bitch on my bed, time to hear her squeal."

Treccia removes the bear skin on your bed while Rainye and Minvir lift her then throw her naked body onto it. Meanwhile you undress, releasing your huge mounds of black flesh into the open.

"I need to be... fucked!" Lyzzia meekly moans. The girl from clan Valon has no idea how much shame she brings to her house.

"Fucked? Fucked by whom bitch!" You yell at her aggressively while walking to your bed.

"Fucked by Char, I need Char cock inside me, Please fuck me with your powerful cock Daine!"

"It´s Mistress Daine you vermin ridden fuckhole," you say and slap her butt, "and turn around!"

"Yes, Mistress Daine." The girl turns around. "Please fuck... need cock inside me."

"On all fours, like a slave!" You shout.

Lyzzia obeys and wiggles her butt at you. You crouch down from behind pointing your dick straight at her pussy. Your black cock is still rock-hard, and Lyzzia´s dripping pink pussy has been waiting for it all night. Your two wet organs poke against each other, your cock still coated with Lyzzia´s mouth saliva.

Aiming to cum hard and fuck her senseless you ram your cock up her pussy in one go. Absolutely destroying her unspoiled virginity in doing so. The lube drenched, pussy canal gives great headway to do so. Your hard tip pushes against her cervix like a battering ram. The girl gusting screams fill the tent, she´s already had her first orgasm just from being penetrated.

Grunting and panting heavily you begin fucking the sloppy pussy.

"Its... fucking... sloppy. So wet."

"Come on, fuck her harder High-Huntress!" Rainye screams.

"Gahhh..." You begin slapping your cock into her faster, riding her with your swiftest thrusts.

"Come on, make her scream! Make the bitch scream." Minvir desires.

Your thrust turns to blurs as heavy beads of sweat rain down your forehead. Lyzzia´s orgasmic howl turns into pathetic high-pitched squeaks as she fails to keep up with you.

"Argg, uugghh... fucking cunts from Valon, so fucking wet whenever they see me. Urghh... You're all slave-bitches! Everyone last one of you! Uhhua... Even your cunt sister Solaria and dyke mother Vizzra. I´ll fuck and enslave all of your clan like I´ve fucked and enslaved you bitch! Urgghh!!!"

"Iahhh, Iahhh, Uhhh, uhhh... fuhhh!" Lyzzia experiences orgasm after orgasm as you ride her. Every small and deep furrow of her blazing cunt feels every cell of man meat from your big black cock. Every small and deep furrow sends off exploding pleasure to her brain, melting and seizing it from all other emotions. She cums like a dog around your cock, clasping around it until you too cum. You scream as loud as she did, but more triumphantly and dominantly, as your cock spews out hot, sticky cum into her Valonian cunt hole.

You mark your rivals life-giving territory with your hot and foul seed, forever making it an insult that you came so deep and hard into one of their women´s most sacred of areas. The sheer victory of achieving this grave sexual insult against your hated enemy is as great as the exploding orgasm you´ve just had.

Lyzzia pants and squeals for a while, then her body calls it quits and falls unconscious onto your bed. With your cock still buried inside her, you to feel tiredness overwhelm you. You lay down on her soft and warm back, resting your body on hers as you get ready for sleep, still with you cock inside her.

"Treccia." You wisper.

"Yes sister-superior."

"Bring Solaria here in the morning. I want her to see this. Don´t bother waking me, I want her face to be the first thing I see when I wake up.

"Yes sister-superior."

Minvir brings the bear skin, but you renounce her. "NO. I want her to see our bodies Minvir."

With those words, sleep overwhelms you.


"Wha- wha- Lyzzia!?"


You hear the words before your eyes truly wake up. Opening them you see Solaria standing by the tent door, her expression just as shocked as you´ve imagined it. Your cock is still in her sisters cunt, and Solaria sees this.



"Hello." You simply add.

"Whaaaaa!!!" Lyzzia jumps out from your bed. Her pussy makes a loud popping sound as its finally freed from your cock. She looks for her clothes but only finds their shattered remains from when your huntresses cut them off last night.

"You... you..." Solaria´s eyes are furious and her nostrils flaring in anger. The commander focuses her loathing gaze on your smug, superior smile as you watch her and her naked sister in absolute dismay.

"N-n-no! I couldn´t have! NooOOO!" Lyzzia remembers every detail, but she doesn't understand why her horniness could control her so animalisticly.

"" Solaria continues.

"I took it... it was in my mouth, and-and my pussy! Oh Godess!" She begins crying. "Oh Goddess It was in my pussy. I´m no longer a virgin anymore, sh-she took my virginity! A lowly Char bitch took my virginity! Oh Goddess, Oh No!" Her tears stream down her face in disgrace, the girl is besides herself, absolutely humiliated beyond understanding.

"You... You Char sow...!" Solaria says with the most hateful voice she can muster. Her black face turns red in concentrated rage.

"You should be proud Solaria," you say, "your sister would make an excellent fuck-slave."

"I`LL FUCKING CUT YOUR DICK OFF YOU PIECE-OF-SHIT!" Solaria screams and draws her sword.

Instantly your twelve huntresses spring out from the sides, surrounding Solaria and pointing their blades at her. Solaria stands alone with only her two sister-bodyguards for backup. Rainye, Minvir or your sister apparently took care about the security for this meeting.

"I seduced and fucked your dear sister without using force. I broke no laws and did nothing wrong. You have no just cause to strike at me Solaria. If you do so there will be hell to pay for violating the rules. Your sister is just here because she´s a horny slut who needs big cock instead of those infertile fags and asexual dykes that populate clan Valon."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can´t be true. Goddess help me!" Lyzzia shout.

"Admit it slut you came harder than I did," you say with a scornful voice.

Lyzzia´s face falls into the deepest pit of abyss. "NOooOOO! It´s true!. Godess help me! HELP ME!"

"Besides," you say and step out of your bed, "I was only sampling her to get an idea what to expect from your cunt Solaria when I win the contest and enslave you, SLAVE!"

"GAAAAAAA!!!!!" Solaria roar out in rage. "Damn you Daine! I´ll have you eating shit for this!" She screams at you then points to her naked sister. "Tixi, Obono, seize that bitch and drag her to my tenth!"

Lyzzia´s screams continue as she´s dragged out of your tent by Solaria´s sister-bodyguards. Solaria storms out behind them, insulted and enraged beyond recognition. You watch her tight butt wiggle as she leaves, Solaria must be leagues ahead of her sister with such an ass.

You yawn and get out of bed. Well standing you stretch in the nude and feel the prideful energy filling you to the brink. You feel ecstatic today, the day to raid the Heartwood surface-elves clan couldn´t have started better.

Second in command huntress Minvir step forward. "What are your orders High-Huntress Daine?" she says and bows her head, shortly followed by the other huntresses bowing theirs.

Two other Huntresses by the name of Kris and Silvir steps up to you holding your neatly folded clothes and deadly huntress gear. You dress while Kris and Silvir assists, you put on the garment while they strap on your various belts and equipment.

"The army is ready to march," Minvir says, "the surface-dwellers have not become aware of our presence here as of yet so we´ll move concealed and catch them by surprise. Scouts have located the capital. As co-commander you only need to speak and we obey, and as High-Huntress you are also traditionally the head of the vanguard. We move when you say we move High-Huntress." Minvir ends and finishes with another submissive bow.

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