Town: A soft angelic voice sounded

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"I never abandon friends, you asses." The curse sounded strange on from the woman's voice.

Dan releases his grasp just enough to let a breath into your lungs, and you take the sweet air. You look over Sam's shoulder to see Bobby, looking furious, his face as red as his hair, Nico, with his spiky blue hair and rough clothing, and Robert, a quiet unassuming man with, with Petra, Ashley's best friend, a short, outgoing brunette.You haphazardly think that Petra must have been with Ashely, getting away from the three stooges when they grabbed Ashley and going for help. The three men follow your gaze and you smile at their faces as they realize they no longer have the advantage. Dan lets you go and backs off, you falling to your knees, rubbing your throat.

Bobby's gruff voice harshly told the the three attackers to leave before they got hurt. Dan, the leader, quickly glanced around as he slowly stepped back. "Offer only valid for a limited time." Bobby added.

Dan furiously looked around, and we all saw the gears in his head turning, but he saw no way to fight back. He took off and his friends followed, Rocco stumbling every few steps but not slowing down.

Bobby left the others to deal with those three, and he rushed over to his sister and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug, as both you and he noticed that Ashley's hand was still locked with yours. She removed it to hug her brother back, and when they parted turned her head down and away, blushing.

Bobby looked at you, unsure. He pulls you up off the ground "Thanks, man. It's..." He paused. "Just..." He looked even more unsure. "Thanks."

You rub your throat and reply "No problem. Glad to help." Speaking feels strange, but it's wonderful to be able to do it again. The Fringe air doesn't seem so foul anymore.

The six of you make your way to the club where you are greeted by the other members. You are somehow both nervous and at peace. Life seems more vivid since seeing the end of it so close.

Bobby goes off to tell Trent, the leader, what happened. They come back, discussing what to do. Trent tells Bobby "Tell everyone to be on the alert. Watch out for fellow members. The Ace 360s are serious and they aren't going to let this go." Bobby nods and starts off to do as Trent asks. As he is leaving Trent adds "Anyone who associated with us should never be alone. They aren't going to come after just us."

Trent turns his gaze to you. He's older then you, by perhaps fifteen years. His eyes are piercing. "Thank you. We value those who help our members." The vipers weren't that violent, but this man had a sort of threatening look and sound to him, even though he was thanking you. "Tell me what happened." He ordered.

Do you:

Town: First ask to join the gang

Town: Answer his questions

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