Y4H: Show them why (3e)

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Where were you hit? - In the but-tocks, sir. - Well, that must be quite a sight...

Jumping to your feet, you do a quick about-face, yank your pants down, and thrust your bare butt right at the jury. Using both hands, you peel your cheeks apart so they can see your immaculate, unwounded flesh. Happily, you've kept it scrubbed clean (useful when living with Whitley...you never know when she'll get in the mood, what for, or where she'll put her tongue).

For a moment, all is stunned silence. Some of the jury members are looking away, and some are squinting right up your crack. The judge calls for order and threatens you with contempt. You quickly get dressed and back in your seat.

DA: What do you think you were doing?

You: Showing the jury I had nothing to hide!

DA: Ah, oh, uh, yeah. Okay. Mission accomplished. Let me ask you about something else. Did you get arrested?

You: Yes.

DA: And did you have to go to jail?

You: I did.

DA: Spent the night in there?

Her favorite subject, it seems...

You: Yes.

DA: And who made your bail?

You: My girlfriend, Whitley.

DA: And it was pretty urgent for you to get out of there?

You: Huh?

DA: I mean, you let her know you needed out as fast as possble.

Hmm. You think you can see what she's driving at. Nothing really happened in jail. But maybe if you give her what she wants now, she'll be satisfied, and not be so worried about keeping you inside. And you might get a little more sympathy from the jury that way.

On the other hand, mom always said "honesty is the best policy." 'course, Phil was lying his big butt off to get you in. But would a lie like this really help to get you out? Your lawyer did tell you one useful thing - if you sit around thinking of what to say, you'll look like a liar. So you'd better start talking one way or another.

Advocacy Points 24
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