Y4H: The Second State's Witness

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:47, 6 June 2011 by Alberich (Talk | contribs)

He's a thin little guy, hair's kinda shaggy, nose pretty big. Unassuming but confident. And he's got his reasons - you've seen him naked - he's packing a good ten inches down there, though you don't think it'll come out in court.

DA: So, how long you lived in town?

Beane: All my life.

DA: And how'd you meet your wife?

Beane: Funny thing that. I used to have some land here, and it was gettin' that time of year, so I called the agency for some workers, 'cos the onions needed to be chopped and I needed my fruit picked, and the melon patch was full of weeds that needed to be hoed. So I said, send me some onion choppers and some fruit pickers and some hoers. They sent over Jose and Pepe and the usual gang, but also these two cute girls. And one of 'em was named Cozy and she couldn't pick fruit worth a damn, but Ovia was another story, and she invited herself over for dinner, and you know, we just hit it off!

DA: So how long's she been here?

Beane: Just a year now.

Okay, got it, they're the hometown faves and you're the interloper. How about some damn evidence?

DA: Where was the key to the playroom when the accused came over?

Beane: It was in my pants pocket.

DA: Any way someone could've gotten in the playroom before the game?

Beane: Nope!

DA: So what happened with the key after that?

Beane: Well, after we all got naked and I unlocked the door, I hung it on the nail.

DA: [Steps a little closer] And after that?

Beane: Well, we were all in blindfolds, and we turned around after Ovia turned the music on, so we start stumbling around. And then all-a-sudden this gal grabs me by one hip and jams a dildo right up my ass! And I go "Whoooooaaaah!"

DA: [Steps a little closer] Didn't that hurt?

Beane: Naah, my wife had that one in the room lubed up already. Anyway, she starts gnawing my ear and whispering lotsa dirty words, and then she's giving me a trip around the world...

DA: [Steps a little closer] What do you mean?

Beane: Like she's taking her tongue, and licking all around my body, like a spiral down, and I'm petting on her hair, and she gets down to the bottom and she starts doing her tongue like between my ball sack and my leg.

DA: [Steps a little closer] On which side?

Beane: Over on the left I think...then she took my balls in her mouth and starts sucking 'em pretty soft, and she's running that dildo up and down in my ass, and I'm going, "Yeah, yeah, suck 'em babe."

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