Melanie's Massage/fuck her

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you take your gym shorts off and reveal your dick. Melanie looks over her shoulder and can tell what is about to happen. you place both hands on her back and place your cock on the edge of her pussy.

"mmffmgmghmmg!" Melanie screams through the gag. You slam your dick strait into her pussy as hard as you can. she screams as you force through her virgin cunt. your cock passes through her warm sanctuary and you feel her clench all of muscles as you pull out of her, you plunge in again, again and again, forcing your cock into Melanie's tight cunt, she moans and tries to scream but it is all mufled by the gag. Even though her mind resists, you feel her pussy begin to squelch as her cum is released. Your cock plunges into her warm tight cunt as she struggles, only causing more friction, building up the pleasure you feel as you fuck her pussy harder and faster, your cock is moving so fast it is squeezing her cum out of her pussy. you feel like you are about to cum inside her tight cunt.

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