Lustful Dustin: The city is yours

From Create Your Own Story

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The fresh air of the evening on your naked skin gives you the creeps.

You howl again.

All those years of refraining your primal instincts are behind you. You're hard again and anxious to surround it with warm flesh, bloody flesh...

You close your eyes and let the scent of the city invade you.

You discover that you nose is capable of painting you the streets around you.

There, around the corner a roting garbage. A small child is crying two floors above you, you can almost feel his salty tears on your tongue. A gas station is burning twenty blocks to the east. And blood, blood everywhere, living blood, hot blood, spilled blood, clotting blood. You need it too, down your throat.

A small and sweet voice in your head tells you:"Share it, share the pleasure, share the curse, share it with everyone..."

You have two options:

To your left: the park you came from. Empty at this time of night but on the other side of it, you neighborhood with all those small houses and residential buildings filled with all those teenage girls expecting your visit, your embrace.

To your right: Downtown. All those office building wouldn't seem too attractive if it wasn't for the theaters and discotheques that stretch in the basements of the skyscrapers.

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