Try to drop onto her legs

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:35, 5 February 2011 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)
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You shift your body weight downwards, causing Marie to lose her grip on you. Your back smashes into her legs, knocking her down and causing you to roll sideways. With a tremendous effort, still impaired by the chemicals in your system, you untangle yourself from the sleeping bag and wobble to your feet.

Marie, looking shocked, gets to her feet and walks over to you. "I'm sorry, Zach!" she says. "I don't know how that happened! I didn't mean to drop you like that!"

You experimentally take a step. You still feel shaky and off-balance. "Don't worry about it," you tell her. "These things happen. I'm all right."

Marie puts her arm around you. "Come on, Zach," she says. "I'll help you to the cave. Then you can rest."

She's trying to get me there so the fumes will overpower me, you think. But maybe I can use it to my advantage.

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 2 students
Hours Remaining: ??
Weapons Aquired: None
Friends: None
Kills: None

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