TPM: Yousa finished with him, you cum in Annie's ass

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Revision as of 05:04, 28 January 2010 by The Hand (Talk | contribs)


Yousa shriek a Gungan battle cry and blast your cock into little Annie's ass. The tight moist space fills quickly, bubbling over and spilling in thick trails down his legs, pooling on the floor. Yousa yelling and carousing, enjoying yousa big bombad orgasm, your tongue flapping outside of your mouth, your fingers digging deep into Annie's skin. Once you think yousa finished yousa slowly pull out, making the boy moan in pain as his bruised anus closes up after you.

Yousa tired, wiping sweat from yousa head, but yousa think you might have enough energy to go another round...after all yousa only get to do this every so often!

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Jar-Jar Binks
The Phantom Menace

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