Girl Scout Camp/Lunch

From Create Your Own Story

All of the scouts have returned from the morning activities and gather again in the mess hall for lunch. There is much chattering and socializing as everyone realizes that the weekend will soon come to an end.

Which means your time with them is almost up too. You look across the hall and admire how beautiful some of these girls are, and imagine how a few more of them might look even better up-close and personal with you...

"Hey!" You're snapped back to reality. Claire and Lin are standing right in front of you, you didn't notice them while your mind wandered.

"You're distracted, you must be hungry like the rest of us" Lin says

Claire leans in close and whispers "Hungry for what, I wonder." They both giggle between themselves.

"But seriously though, there's no food and you're the only counselor here."

You look around and realize Claire was right, Mira, Jim (and Emily), and Ms. Lowenstern were nowhere to be found. The girls have seated themselves at their cafeteria tables but you can hear the grumbles from the crowd about the lack of food.

You didn't come here to actually do the job of a camp counselor but you realize that if you don't keep the girls happy you probably won't get a chance with any of them before it's time to go.

"Claire, Lin get everyone's attention and tell them I'm going to make an announcement."

They nod and start walking amongst the tables. You cross the room and get to a small stage that was set up to make announcements.

You clear your throat and start to speak. "I've only had the pleasure of meeting a few of you this weekend..." Claire shoots you a look, and you can see few of your trysts turn bright red "...But since I'm the only counselor present, I'm the head counselor for the time being."

"With that being said, I'm going to:"

  • Cook lunch myself
  • Go look for Ms. Lowenstern
  • Do nothing Departure

(Editors’ note: I'm picking up this part of the story, and I'm working on adding in two branches to these two new options. Until they're done, the only option that will properly end the story is Departure.)

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