VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (11211).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 6: The Twist - Part 1


The Story:

You slowly feel the ropes get undone and before you know it you've been lowered down and remain tied up on the ground. You hear Brooke and Molly talking but they seem to be trying to be quiet for some reason as they slowly release you from the bondage. You give a loud gasp followed by a few somber sobs when they finally pull the cock out from down your throat which they hush you for, and gasp loudly and thankfully when they work the other two large cocks out of your holes. They have to cover your mouth firmly during those. You sprawl out on the floor hardly able to think as they undo the rest of the ropes and you finally end up free blinking and looking up at them. Brooke is looking down at your with an amused, almost loving expression and you can tell she really does like you. You manage a weak smile in return as she runs a hand through your hair but mostly groan as you stretch your tired limbs.

Then Brooke turns to Molly who you can see is looking with a frown towards the bathroom entrance and motions to Brooke quickly in dismay while packing up the rope and toys haphazardly. You can hear someone arguing at the entrance and by the time you finally manage to sit up you can tell it is Sonya and someone else that you suspect is Tara who seems to want to come in. Finally catching on that the group of you might be in a little bit of trouble you quickly pull your one-piece swimsuit back over yourself even though it never really covered much in the first place. It takes a little while for you to stand and Brooke ends up pulling you over to a shower to clean yourself up with. By the time you walk out looking somewhat normal with Brooke you can hear thunder in the distance and realize there is a light drizzle coming down. You also spot Tara, the other lifeguard, who doesn't look happy.

This is the first time you get a good look at her; long beautiful blonde hair, full cherry lips, resting bitch face and one hell of a body. She looks like prom queen with a perfectly tanned, athletic body with full, but not too big breasts and an ass that has better shape than it has size yet still quite squeezable and impressive. In the same lifeguard outfit in the rest she looks just as much of a sex toy as you do. Her eyes quickly shoot to you. "And who are you? I don't remember them sending someone else to my pool. You certainly aren't on the schedule." She says, eyes locking and not letting yours go.

You mumble a few words, stomach falling back into a pit making you do your best not to squirm. Her gaze is so fierce you can't make yourself meet it. Thankfully the others cover and make up some story that you always wanted to be a lifeguard and Brooke lent you one of their suits to let you live the dream. They stumble a bit when Tara demands why you were in the bathroom for the last hour then. You blush a bit realizing it had been that long. You can tell Tara isn't satisfied with their answer but after a moment just rolls her eyes and stalks away towards the gate. "Fuck, I don't really care. Just don't put her on stand and don't tell the guests she is a real lifeguard." And with that she runs out to her car through the rain.

The others give a few sighs of relief then all look to you as if wondering what to do with you. "Damn, well that ruins our plan." Sonya says then turns to Brooke and gives a devious smile cupping her ass. "Brooke and I are going to head off. Later." She says then snakes that arm around Brooke's waist and starts to lead the two out.

Brooke giggles but pulls away. "Fuck Sonya, I have to lock up since our manager can't be bothered." She says motioning to Tara. "I'll catch up later." Brooke says and the other three end up walking off. She turns to you when you stand there unsure, still feeling a bit weak. "You too, pussy." Brooke says with a grin looking you up and down. "Tara might of saved you from the real fun, but we'll plan another date." She says with a wink then walks back over to push you against the wall again, lips inches from yours as her hands roam teasingly along your body. "I'll be in touch." She says, then pulls that damned pink collar out of no where and redoes it around your neck. You blush a bit, both from being so close to Brooke again and from being surprised, but end up walking off a bit behind the others after a slap on the ass to get you moving.

Taking your time and getting soaked for it you eventually get to your car and grumble a bit getting in wet. You'll have to a towel for it when you get home. You stay in your car for a little bit trying to pull yourself together. Your pussy still pulses a bit in pain from being spread so much and your ass twice as much. Thinking back on it, the session wasn't so bad and a lot better than your last encounter with Brooke's friends. You loathe to know what they were going to do with you next however. Before you can pull away, finally starting your car, there is a knock on your window making you jump slightly before looking up.

Tara is standing there with an umbrella over her, giving you a good glare with her eyes indicating for you to roll down the window. You pause a moment, no idea what you are going to say to her, before looking around. The others have all driven off by now, even Brooke. Damn. You give Tara a nervous look before steeling yourself and lowering the window. "Hey bitch. I know what you were up to." Tara says immediately making you squeak with the pit dropping hard in your stomach again. You start to try and scramble, mouth opening but not finding any words as you look up to her in panic. Stalling your panic Tara puts her free hand up showing she means no harm calming you a little. "Hey, chill. I just want to talk. You mind?" She says, indicating for you to unlock your passenger door. Not knowing what else to do you give in and she walks over and gets inside.

"I... uh... I don't know what... you think..." You stumble but she cuts you off.

"Shhh. Man, they've done a number on you." Tara says giving you a slightly worried expression then her face gets a bit softer as she holds your gaze. "Listen, this isn't the first time those sluts have tried to rope someone in. I'm not going to ask how they got you, probably some kind of blackmail I'm guessing," She says pausing and nodding to herself seeing the confirmation in her eyes. "I hate those cunts with a passion, so I'm going to help you out of this. Got it?" She says looking fierce. You just nod slowly not knowing what else to do. Then, to your surprise, you start to cry out of no where as your emotions well up inside you. Before you know it you are in Tara's arms as she holds you while you completely melt down. She soothes you and holds you, petting your hair lightly to calm you although it is obvious something she isn't used to doing. Her hard face is softened, but you can tell it isn't used to that either. This is a woman who doesn't take any crap from anyone and for some reason you open up to her. You spill it all and she listens silently.

After you finally recover and sit back up Tara takes a long breath then nods to herself again. "Ok, here is what is going to happen. You are coming home with me." She holds up a hand to cut off your protests. "No arguing. Just follow my car. I'll cause a scene if I see you not following." She warns then steps out of the car. While you consider doing just that a few times you do end up following her sheer force of will and follow her home. Of course she is another rich only child that lives in the same neighborhood so the drive isn't far.

No one is home and she tells you that her parents are in their vacation house for the summer. To your surprise the two of you spend the next hour just chilling like friends. She tells you that she really needs you to calm down and despite being a bit of a bitch, not just having the perfect face for it, you decide you actually quite like her. She is someone who doesn't let anyone stand in her way and always speaks her mind. She has a very low opinion of Brooke and her friends which you share, except for Brooke. You can't help but still having a crush on your mistress. Eventually you get into talking about how to get you out of this and she says its simple. All you need to do is get blackmail on them in return and it'll cancel out. If they ruin your life then you'll ruin theirs. They just graduated and would be just as devastated by naughty things being sent to everyone they know and their colleges. All you have to do is tell Tara when you meet up and she'll work with some cameras to get the necessary videos. She orders them right in front of you. You are amazed she is helping you so much but she just says she has always hated them and that's reason enough.

After you both figure everything out to your shock she pulls out a small black leather strap used for spanking and raises an eyebrow at you. "So, do you want to experience a real mistress? Those sluts are just posers and don't know what they are doing. I do." She says brimming with confidence. You don't doubt her for a second.

"I... uh... hmmm." You find yourself saying, blushing as you suddenly imagine her naked. Somehow during this entire time you never really thought of doing any of this with her. Damn, is everyone into bondage? Tara is pretty hot... but you find yourself shaking your head. "Maybe not tonight." You say. This is all too much for you too quickly and she nods.

"Good choice. But I hope you don't mind me texting you a bit. I'd hate for you to give it all up because of these clowns." She says putting the strap away.

"I'd... like that." You find yourself saying. You feel your heart flutter a bit as you end up back in your car driving home. You realize in a panic that Brooke has text you a few times and quickly respond but she isn't asking about anything important. She says she likely won't be able to have fun with you until next weekend at the soonest but will text you from time to time. You act like the dutiful slave girl you are.

The next day you go to work and go through the week like normal. Well, normal for you. Instead of Brooke being your online leader you end up taking commands from Tara instead. While what she does with you doesn't seem to be as hot as with Brooke, you feel like oyu are being better trained oddly enough. She has you spanking you own ass relentlessly and hard. She has a fondness for clothes pins and you start to worry each time she has you take them out. She often has you circle your breasts with them, quite painful to take off, and has you put them on your pussy lips and nipples when you are bad which really hurt. There is a lot of discipline and pain but it is all well done and never goes to the point where you can't take it unlike with Molly. She make you video her fucking and sucking your suction dildo but it's more training than it is lust on her end you feel. By the time the week is over you are actually pretty good at sucking and fucking any any guy you end up with next is going to be one lucky mother fucker. Not that you've been with a guy or plan on it. Tara with a strap-on more like it. You start to gain a little hope.

Still, all things come to an end and eventually the next weekend comes and you get another email from Brooke. To your surprise it isn't to meet up at a certain location. It's a command that you need to do for her. You feel your heart beating faster as you scan the email.


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