TFA: Help her fix the ship, be a gentleman

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:49, 9 September 2017 by Optamiss (Talk | contribs)

Regardless of your half hard cock you do want to make her feel welcome on the falcon, possibly influenced by that half hard cock. You hear her mumbling about a tool she needs so you swiftly grab it and had it to her. She responds with a surprised oh not realizing you were there. It continues like this for a while you giving her advice or handing her the tool she needs, the whole time you get to check out her ass. Eventually you have to lean close enough that you brush your massive cock into ass.

Rey freezes as she feels your arm length cock push into her ass flesh. You panic thinking your game is over when Rey surprises you. Instead of moving away or panicking she lets out a lust laden moan as she starts to grind her ass into your cock.

"Hmmm Chewie that's quite a tool, although I think that's for a different kind of job."

You can't believe her acceptance of your huge cock pushing into her ass. You can't believe it even more when she doubles down and start grinding her ass into your cock. This continues for a while with her hotdoging herself on your with your massive dick.

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