D&D : Go to the largest inn in town where all travelers stay, adventurers are bound to be there.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:27, 6 November 2015 by Xelnaga92 (Talk | contribs)

You go into the largest inn you can find and enter. You find yourself in a large common room with a bar at one end. The room is dimly lit, and a permanent haze of pipe smoke seems to hang just below the ceiling. Behind the bar is a large man in a dirty, stained apron, you walk up to him and inquire about renting a room for the evening. He offers you a room for a fair price and you pay him from the cloth pouch you keep at your belt to hold the few coins you've managed to save.

After paying for a room, you decide to sit by the fire and socialize with the tavern patrons. You turn to one who looks like he might be an adventurer, he is in a weather stained cloak that was once dark green, but now appears closer to grey.

"Are you an adventurer?" You ask, ignorant of how stupid you must sound to him.

The man scoffs rudely and ignores you, returning his attention to the heavy pewter mug in his hand. You ask another person, this one is a tall, muscular man in a leather jerkin. You have a bit more success with this one. He looks you over, sizing you up in your heavy armor.

"Why don't you come up to my room and I'll tell you where to find some adventure." He chuckles softly, but his suggestive tone is completely lost on you.

D&D : Naively go with him to his room.

D&D : Politely decline.

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