TPM: Defeat! Gunray takes both you and Padme as prisoners...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:03, 17 May 2014 by Xelnaga92 (Talk | contribs)

All of the sudden Gunray stop and looks more closely at Padme, he suddenly smiles and reaches down to grab her breast.

"NO" you scream and start to leap at the alien, but are grabbed by a battle droid the second you go out of hiding.

The trandoshan takes one look at you and tells the droid to take you to the cages, but you continue to struggle so the droid simply knocks you out.

As you wake up you find that you and Padme are;

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
The Phantom Menace

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