From Create Your Own Story
the next morning, you wake up feeling giddy. all of yesterdays boredom and annoyance are but a faint memory after you had a good night's rest. Feeling refreshed, you get ready for the day and noone has any clue about what got you in such a good mood.
It seems Ruairi's people have still not arrived. there's no way you'll wait for them any longer so you tell the servants to prepare the carriage right away. This time, you relax in the carriage embracing the giddy feeling from last night while letting the maids chatter away amongst themselves. Before you know it you arrive at the forests at the border of Ruairi's domain.
Your maids get scared, giving you some peace and quiet to enjoy until your sharp ears pick up on a particular sound in the distance. Leaping to your feet instantly, you're out of the carriage before any of the maids can react. Duran looks at you with a grim face "Those are the sounds of battle off in the distance." You nod and jump on one of the horses leading the carriage, katana in hand. "lass, I know you're eager and all.. but do me a favor and don't rush into battle wearing a soft silky dress?"
You :
Consider your mission and reluctantly stay behind while the soldiers go to check it out.
promise you'll try to stay out of the fighting if possible and gallop ahead.
Ignore reason and charge ahead with a wicked smile plastered on your face.
Status | ||
Health | 100 | Equipment:
"Black Dress, silver necklace, Mother's Katana, hidden dagger" |
Stamina | 100 | |
Mood | Excited | Inventory:
Full Black Leather Armor |
Purse | 550, 00, 00 |