What's the use...

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:08, 30 September 2009 by Axehel (Talk | contribs)

Authors note: Speach Thought Action/Narrative

Zachy... you have three seconds to move, or I'll take your silence as a forfeit... said the man smiling

And I assure you...

This! Is one game you don't want that to happen in...

Damn it, I don't have a choice... or do I?

Come on Zach! Think! Think damn you!


The Teacher raises his hand alerting the armed soldier to his right to give him his side arm

What about the others out there... do they need me? Would they need me?


He raises the gun and takes aim

Kill or be killed... time to choose...

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 50 students
Hours Remaining: 72
Weapons Aquired: None
Friends: None
Kills: None... yet

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