Risk trying to find something in the basement to break the door with.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:01, 8 February 2011 by JohnNoble (Talk | contribs)

You sprint down the stairs and get in the basement. You look for several moments around and spot an old sledge hammer unused ever since the father had done some renovations in the back yard. For a moment you think you faintly heard a police siren, but you are not certain.

You pick it up, feeling its great weight and size. You feel it is going to be awkward trying to use it in a sixth grader's body. You make your way back upstairs ready yourself, aim for the lock and strike the door. Unfortunately, you miss the lock but succeed in punching a small hole on the door. Inside the room Valerie screams again.

As you prepare to strike again, you hear a voice coming from downstairs:

“This the police. We received a call from this location. Anyone here?”


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6th Grade Boy
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