Jump off the bed and hide under it, waiting until she finishes her phone call.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:52, 9 July 2011 by JohnNoble (Talk | contribs)
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You quickly jump off the bed, and roll under it, remaining motionless.

Kelly seems to have finished her call, but as she enters the room she makes another.

"Hey Lucy! Guess what!?


No silly! I didn't make out with Bob!

My parents just told me that they'll be away from home tonight for their anniversary!


So, yeah, I'm like gathering all of us for a slumber party tonight!

Chloe and Selena are in. You?

Perfect! I'll see all of you then in a couple of hours! Bye!"

You think this is too perfect! You get four gorgeous teenage pussies for the price of one!

Your excitement is showing, as your cock is now pocking the floor under you.

You noticed that while Kelly was speaking on the phone, she was undressing, preparing for a shower. She has just exited her room again.

Do you:

You are possessing:
6th Grade Boy
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