TS: Pick out the most attractive boy and try to subtly pull him aside

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide desperate times call for desperate measures. Waiting for a great guy to take an interest in you is no longer enough and too many men your age are already taken. What you need is a younger man, and you're in luck!

Just as you begin scoping out the kids at the party, the boy you decided was the hottest happened to drop his cup and accidentally spill his drink all over his lap. Needless to say, all the other party-goers had a good laugh at his expense and he had a look of extreme embarrassment flush over his face. Now's your chance.

You rush over and take him into the bathroom to do what he (and everyone else at the party) can only assume is help clean him up. The kitchen would make a little more sense in this case, but your choice isn't completely unreasonable, especially not for what you have in mind.

What do you have in mind exactly anyway?

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