User:Fletcher Peninsula

From Create Your Own Story

I am probably the last person who should write a story. I have dyslexia, I have a hard time projecting my thoughts into written material and English is not my first language. But hey! I need some way to cope with all those weird stories forming in my head every day.

Bad spellers off the word, unti!

Stories I have started

The Devils Daughter Is about a satanic cult member named Sharon Abrahamson who is tasked with finding tree sacrificial maidens in order to summon a demon and take over the world! Loots of mind breaking and dirty sex!

War and Sex Is an low fantasy adult story. The main character is a prince named Faust Kaladaris. Its mainly about dominance and submission in an more non consensual tone.

Stories I contribute to

Aftermath John Fletcher wakes up not knowing who he is or why the Demons are after him. Started working on this story when I noticed the main characters last name is Fletcher :)

lol Nah, I just had a lot of pressure working on it. The RPG style template was really difficult to work with, especially when it spanned several unnecessary options that would just work as a single option. That really drug me down and I just want to get to the story already! I have a great story to tell, darn it! xD

Ah, well. Hope you would read it when I get to the exciting part of the story. ;)

--OminousFlare 11:40, 29 September 2009 (PDT)

Yeah Corinna will slowly transform from a noble princess that is "above" lesbianism, to become a cock-hungry slut that also enjoys some pussy on the side hehe. But this must of course be gradual and calculated so as to appear believable in theory. Obviously she cannot have any male sex slaves as this would lessen the fantasy of Faust being the only lover for all of these women ;)

As far as sequels go, we could name it like War & Sex II or something more creative than that. We could set it twenty years in the future and give it almost a Hercules type story. As in Hercules was half god(by Zeus) and half human. The new hero is obviously half royal(by Faust) and half slave. It could be the same idea as he goes on quests in order to prove his worth to his father who is now the wise king that eventually won the war against Hysta and is perhaps ruling from Almedia, with his queen, the sexy Almedian woman we keep hearing about haha. Obviously this is FAR OFF and is only in the works, but yeah its an idea.

As far as Almedia, when I said El Dorado, I meant the mysterious aspect of it and nothing else. I also saw it as a Babylon type kingdom.

The elves will not sing :)

Don't worry about the name. I was just pointing it out before someone else did. Love what you are doing in that arc btw.

And yeah, I just saw the brutality and civility of the Seven Mountains as a parallel to the Germans who while being fierce warriors also gave the earth things like Mozart, Einstein and yes even Nietzsche. Call them intelligent brutes. The Hystians should be portrayed as brutish as well as unintelligent with the exception of fighting. No culture for them. And you started that by portraying them as lazy and dirty. Like the Faust idea as well. --Ollie Williams

I just added a twist in the Southern Cities arc. Not quite sure where I wanna take this, but think it is an interesting idea. Tell me what you think. I am excited to see what you do with the fight against Alcrom as well. Should be good once he kicks his ass hehe. I feel really good about the overall story. Lots accomplished this week. --Ollie Williams

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