Tickle the lion

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:40, 3 September 2014 by TysonLaFollette (Talk | contribs)

In a moment of pure idiotic genius, you begin to wriggle the tips of your fingers over the lion's sides. He jerks back, eyes wide as they stare at you in complete surprise. Your face is pulled into determination as you continue to tickle his sides. He actually rolls away from you, but you're determination will not be denied. You take control, settling atop his hard, flat stomach, and vigorously fluttering your fingers over the parts of him that get the biggest reaction.

Something is wrong. Instead of laughing, giggling, and chuckling, like you thought the lion would do, his eyes shut softly and his breathing becomes shallow.

You blink in confusion for a moment, and your eyes widen in sudden understanding when you scoot back slightly. A large, hard bulge stops you in your place, making you freeze. His eyes open slowly when you gaze at them and both of you stare at each other in silence. Your sensitive nose detects the heavy, musky scent of lust renewed on the golden feline.

You twitch slightly, uncertain.

Will you:

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Jeans, T-shirt

Gender Male
Species Fox
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