From Create Your Own Story
Outline for FFE story
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They say she's too hot to let go, and ask her if she wants to be their wife and bear their cubs
- she's on her way to town to sell her wares and don't have time for this nonsense
Just look at those full breasts, bet they can produce a lot of milk for a litter
- I will never fuck you, I know all about your cum tricks
Just show us your breasts and give us each one kiss
- - if she complies, they suck on her tits, they never said where to kiss her
- - If she's racist, one of them demands an ass-fuck
One of them tries to pull down her panties while the other bites her nipple; one of them worms his finger into her ass while another grabs her breasts; one of kisses her mouth while the other sticks his tongue in her pussy...
They are nice to her, and complement her flesh, all while they keep playing with her nipples and caressing her. She can tell them to stop, and they'll agree, but they won't actually stop.
In the end, they explain they can't stop unless they get release for their swollen balls. Now kiss the tip of our flared cocks...
Accidental fuck
While she's blowing the first one, another enters her from behind.
- she's angry and yelling watch it mister
- it hurts but hurts good as the large cock can't go more than half way before banging at her cervix
- be careful to keep her from drawing her sword; when she says stop you stop (but don't withdraw), shouldn't you be in the other place, sure just warming you up a little; no, you don't get to fuck me, now switch
- apologize when cumming
Second blow-job, fourth goat man penetrating her from behind
- - she says hey fucker what do think you're doing. The deal was to cum in her ass, but the first man failed. Okay seems legit
- - this time, the pain has gone
- - she objects but can be ignored, even when you pick up the pace
- - get over-confident and lose it, make sure to only withdraw to her pussy lips while cumming
She turns to lie on her back and fifth goat man fucks her pussy, even while berating the other one. He pushes the cum back in... she grabs her sword, promising to kill if he fails to pull out
- - after some good times, he finally penetrates her cervix, stabbing her to his full length - and both immediately have huge orgasm
- - when she comes to, she realizes he's lying on her stomach, utterly spent with his dick still inside her
- - Infuriated she lifts her sword, but before she can drive it into him, he massively apologizes but it felt too good to finally sink his cock balls deep, disarming her, both with his smile and with the rutting of his half-hard cock. As they keep arguing, he ups his pace, and when she threatens to kill him, he just asks her to wait until... he's so close, yes, I'm right there... and he cums again, and she cums again... and then the only movement is his rutting. When he's spent, she kicks him off. Arsehole!
She sits by her self, sulking.
To her dismay she feels something trickle down her legs, and when she looks down, she can see cum oozing out between her pussy lips. No matter how much she wipes away, more is always coming out, and she vows not to let them cum inside her.
pull out
He's truly sorry but also very enthusiastic, please let the others experience, you are a wonderful lay. Not many women have been able to take their entire cocks. And you will not find better fucks back in town. How many human men have you had with cocks as large as ours...?
Alright, but you must all promise to pull out. Sure, we're all spent so the risk is low.
Their cocks are still glistening with fluids and still cum is oozing lazily out of their pee holes. But she needs a cock inside her, a large flared one. So she removes her last clothing and lies down on her back. First guy promises he knows how to make her happy. More importantly, she says as he guides his entire length inside her, biting her lip, does he know when to pull out? I certainly don't intend to get knocked up here!
- - It does feel good to be fucked by such a large cock. And he's a considerate lover, rubbing against her clit and nibbling at her breasts. She sees him tensing up and panting, did he cum? He did a little, but he says no and picks up the pace, silencing her. As he remains hard, she reasons he didn't cum. Ater a while, he shudders again, but grunts to her he's in control. He looks as if in some pain, but his cock feels wonderful, ramming into her full depths.
- - After a while she can sense him losing control. Telling him to withdraw through the haze of orgasm, he starts cumming for the third time and can't hear you; pushing against him and getting angry despite her haze; banging against his torso finally gets his attention and he pulls out and starts to apologize. A weak last spurt on her belly as he bumbled the pull out technique, but hey, at least he tried
- - before she can protest the second guy plows her, and she can only go ow ow as she orgasms yet again. Again, his grunts make her come out of it to ask him if he's close. He too cums but says no. She's suspicious but chooses to believe him. She reminds him to pull out in time, he agrees noncomittally. As he starts to cum, she yells at him to withdraw or she'll kill him, and he does do that, spurting all over her torso. He quickly moves to make her suck his remaining spurts. Now there's a successful pull out, she thinks while sucking, satisfied for now, and the third and youngest man can start fucking her
- - while she's still swallowing, he cums prematurely. He tries withdrawing but too late, he's genuinely sorry. She sees the youngster's insecurity and fear and forgives him. This he takes as acceptance, and he mounts her again with his cock still dribbling. The men all laugh and commend the runt for taking command, and she realizes she can't break it off, or she'll destroy the young one's confidence. But he can't hold it, and cums again. She grits her teeth and tells him to just keep going, he barely came at all, you can do it! He's visibly gasping but perseveres, and the sight of her nude sweaty body keeps him hard, even as his cock keeps spurting into her womb. Finally, he collapses onto her, utterly spent. She's a bit confused and disappointed (shouldn't he cum a last time?), but before she fully realizes he's cum buckets inside her...
- - the fourth man flips her over roughly and mounts her from behind. When she tries to speak, he pinches her nipples or bites her neck. She orgasms into submission. He starts cumming and she's silenced by her biggest orgasm yet. He keeps cumming buckets for a long time, but when she comes to, he shrugs off her complaints. My bad, it felt too good, I just didn't feel like pulling out. As he withdraws, she sits, looking at how her pussy gushes yellowish white gobs of cum, you asshole, you could get me pregnant.
- - the fifth man lies beside her and beckons her to sit on top of his throbbing erection, while she keeps yelling at the other guy. She starts bobbing up and down subconciously. Fifth man asks her to turn around so he can play with her breasts. She swivels around with his cock still inside her, and forgets about the rude goat man when she gets her nipples pinched hard. "Hey, don't mind him, he's an ass hole. Why should he ruin your pleasure. Now fuck me!"
She realizes fifth man is right, and focuses on fucking his cock. This way she's in control over the pull out, sitting on his cock like this. And she quite like getting her breasts manhandled like this. He tenses up, and she asks him if he's losing it. He grunts yes, a little... as she starts to rise up, no I'm almost... yes, got it. She sits back down and asks his if he's sure he didn't cum. Only a little, I'm in control now.
Then the first guy says you know, if you're worried we can't pull out in time, they should try double penetration, it's bound to feel great, and you won't have to worry about us cumming, since we're in your ass.
She's occupied by matching her man's bucking back against her, but grunts in acknowledgement, so first guy sandwiches her, and with no further ado buries his cock in her ass to the hilt. Both she and fifth guy are shocked, but then the guy beneath her is alarmed and frantically tries to make her get off of him. She's in seventh heaven and ass guy just plows on, ignoring fifth man. He's not strong enough to get them both off of his trhobbing cock and yells I'm cumming, unngh, which gets her attention. But she's cumming, and first man is cumming in her ass, so by the time she's wrestled herself off, fifth dumped all of his cum in her womb and first filled up her ass.
She's about to tell him off, but fifth man screams at first man, didn't you hear her not wanting us to dump our cum inside her womb? She looks cute, all sweaty and glistening, with huge gobs of cum oozing out of her pussy and arse...
While she waits to get a word into the heated discussion, fourth man asks her how it felt like. Why do you care, you fucker, you don't get inside my womb ever again. It looked like y'all were all having a great time, except the unfortunate ejaculation inside her fertile womb. Besides, I'm not gonna fuck your cunt this time. He lies down to pull her ass on top off his flared cock. She starts going wait wait you're doing this wrong... then second man enters her pussy and she's getting a double reaming of a life-time. As second man nears climax, he starts to withdraw, but fourth man warns him to keep it up, it feels great and I'm not done yet. Again second goat man groans and says I can't hold it, but fourth man says just a while more. She goes in and out of orgasmic bliss as this happens.
But then second man comes uncontrollably, and she starts to fight him off, but is restrained by the heaving fourth man. Just stay hard... But then second man goes limp, and fourth man throws him off and commands the third one, the youngster, you, you're the only one with a hard cock right now! Fill her up, I'm so close.
He is both frightened and excited, and easily enters her. Don't you dare cumming before me, fourth man growls. But of course young guy cums. She has to entice him to stay, despite cumming in her unprotected womb, and smile at him and let him play with her breasts to make him stay hard so fourth man doesn't get violent. Two more times the youngster loses it, and two more times he stays hard if she acts all motherly and forgiving. Then, finally, fourth man cums like a horse in her arse, making her pussy clamp the youngster like a vice, and milking a fourth ejaculation out of him.
All sweaty and worn out, she mutters how that didn't work out the way it was supposed to. Cum runs freely down both her legs...
The guys actually doesn't seem all that upset, and reassures her there's a good chance she won't get pregnant after all. And getting knocked up isn't all that bad. Come to our village and we'll take care of you and your puppies. She mutters and says she'll be going now, there will be no more trickery. She dresses but gives up on wearing panties as there's too much cum.
farewell 1
When she leaves, they each catch up to her to accompany her for a bit, then they each ask for a farewell fuck.
She can ask them to to pull out, and she can beg them to switch to her ass, but they don't listen. And she can't muster the energy to berate them for failing to pull out, it feels too good. She even gives them each a small kiss on the cheek as a goodbye.
If she doesn't refuse any of them, she realizes she's spent the entire day walking but they have led her in a circle; she still ends up back at goat man camp. Such crafty bastards, she thinks but still can't surpress a smile. Go #back in camp.
Alternative: if she refuses them sex, she can strike out on her own, despite them warning her they're deep into the monster-infested part of the forest "don't say we didn't warn you".
If she refuses #1: bad ending: she can choose between three paths, but all paths end in getting eaten
- - swamp path: a tentacle monster fucks her, but only to insert eggs and use her as food. She can attempt escape, but each time she's caught and fucked again. If she doesn't give up and tries a fourth time, she ruptures from too many eggs. If she does give up, she's eaten from the inside as the eggs hatch.
- - cave path: an alien monster captures and rapes her. She's not held captive, but she can't find any way out of the caves, and there's only strange fungus to eat. One kills her, the other two keeps her from starving. After a week, her belly has grown huge, and she gives birth to a second alien. Both aliens now rape her. This cycle repeats endlessly. The only way out is one of the caves having a hole full of nasty centipedes. Either she jumps into the hole to let the insects eat her, or she's raped to death when there are ten aliens.
- - cliffs path: three scrawny harpyas with loose cunts get envious of her wide hips and large breasts, and pull her off the path and to her death if she doesn't drink their vile concoction. If she does, her arms turn to wings too. As a fertile harpya, they force her to fuck monsters and bear off-spring for them, and she doesn't have a choice since she knows she will never be accepted in human society
If she refuses #2: only way to get "good" ending.
- - swamp path: a swamp troll. She can avoid it, leading to the tentacle monster, or she can approach it. It wants to rape her. If she fights, it easily overpowers her. If she doesn't, it wants to fuck again, despite filling her womb. If she still doesn't fight it, and lets it fill her up to capacity, it becomes friendly. When she leaves, she encounters the tentacle monster, and gets filled to the bursting point. But if she escapes, she's given the option to turn back to the troll. Just as the tentacle monster captures her and starts fucking her, the troll appears and they have an epic fight, even as one tentacle keeps cramming more eggs into her. In the end the tentacles overpowers the troll and starts anally raping it, but in the meanwhile she can slip off of her tentacle and escape to reach civilization. She'll have to give birth to a large litter of misshapen troll babies with tentacles, but at least she escaped with her life.
- - cave path: there are again three fungi to eat, but as she recovers from her second birth, the deadly one is described slightly differently. If she eats that, her third birth is a misshapen alien, which grows to attack the existing ones. They end up all killing each other. She can then dump some or all of the corpses in the centipede nest. If she dumps only one, the insects are hungry enough to crawl into her as she passes by, and she's eaten from within just as she reaches daylight. If she dumps all three, they can climb out the hole and again eat her. If she ever dumps the misshapen one, the centipedes grow large and mutate, and she realizes she will never get past them (the end). But if she dumps exactly two - and only the original ones - into the centipede nest, that satisfies the insects enough to allow her to creep past. While she gets a few bites and a few infest her vagina, she can escape and reach her town in time to be saved. The insects will have eaten most of her insides, and she will never be able to have kids, or eat solid foods, but still.
- - cliffs path: she encounters a mischievous pixie which gives her a choice: fuck me or I fuck you. Get fucked, and the pixie tries to but is too small, so he shrinks her to his size. She can fight and kill the pixie, but will then stay small forever. She can fuck him, but his cum is too powerful, she can't bear to leave him. Either way, she never gets home. Fuck me, and the pixie casts a spell on her so she grows a large cock and balls over her pussy. She can then proceed to use the pixie as a cock sleeve. Later, she can offer to impregnate all the harpies, which lets her reach the town safely (she does remain a hermaphrodite, but who says that's a bad ending).
If she refuses #3: as she leaves, she encounter two ogres, who ask her what she is and if she's any good to eat. As she tries to escape, the youngester appears and blurts out how great she is in bed, and how she can take even their huge cocks.
While he saves her from getting eaten, she does have to fuck them both. And no, they don't grasp the concept of "pulling out". After doing the second one, the first one is ready to fuck her again. After doing the second one again, they start to argue. #2 wants to keep her on his cock, but #1 says it is his turn.
The youngster can't help himself and says they could probably double time her.
And so she has to DP them, only they don't understand one of them is meant to go in her arse. She panics when she realizes they both aim for her pussy, but then immediately get her mind blown away by an orgasm as both of them fill her to the brim.
Afterwards, she sits nursing her distended belly, "now I'm gonna get preggers for sure..." trying to squeeze out some of all that cum... They tell her they can't wait to show her to Papa and their brothers!
If she refuses, that makes them angry (bad ending). If she accepts, the youngster tells her to play along while he tries to come up with a plan.
Despite this, if she runs for it, she does escape. The youngster brings her back to camp.
If she goes along, she'll mostly end up with a bad ending. She'll first meet the dim-witted big brother who promptly rapes her. While that still happens, the pair apologizes, and introduces her to the remaining two brothers.
Luckily they understand she can't take more cum for the moment, and so after big brother is finished, the others settle for getting blow- and tit-jobs. Drenched and filled with cum, Papa appears and she's introduced. He apologizes for his unruly sons, and everybody goes to bed.
But in the morning, big brother sneaks into her hut and rapes her again. Everybody apologizes profusely, but Papa advises her to find a way to empty herself, since he and his sons won't wait to fuck her forever.
She can figure that as long as she keeps close to Papa, big brother won't dare try anything. But he gets eager to try her out, and figures she's not that distended. Eventually she must agree to try a fuck, or leave his hut. If she stays, he fucks her, and tries to pull out, but can't bring himself to do so in time. If she stays, he will eventually want to fuck again, and this time, he breaks her (bad ending).
If she seeks the protection of the first pair of brothers, she realizes they will not resist the temptation. If she stays, they talk her into another DP, and they end up breaking her (bad ending)
If she seeks the protection of the second pair, it turns out that while they respect her plight and accept blow-jobs, they don't dare resist their big brother. So he enters the hut and rapes her and she's filled back up. In the end, dad explains to her he understands the risk, but he must have her, and hopes she understands him. If she does, great. He fucks her, she breaks, the end. If she doesn't, he nods, but says he can't keep his sons away for ever. She can choose between taking his cock after all (and breaking) or getting gang-banged by all five sons (and bursting like a balloon).
If however, she seeks out the rapist big brother, she can keep him happy with tit jobs and blow jobs, gaining enough time to get most cum out of her. If she then voluntarily lets him rape her, egging him on and smiling sexily through the rape, he falls asleep. The youngster goat man then appears and leads her waddling away to safety.
In this "good ending", the youngling does follow her wish, and takes her to human lands. As a farewell gift, she can choose to give him one last fuck. She realizes she really wants to stay filled up to the brim, and in the end she's given a choice: go back to civilization and live unfulfilled, or ask the youngster to take her back to the ogres.
If she refuses #4: he won't take no for an answer, and pins her to the ground. He tells her he can see she likes being forced. He tells her she can either take his cum, or kill him. She chickens out and bites her lip as he floods her with cum. Then he flips her over, and fucks her again, telling her that if she asks him to pull out, he will, but then leave her for ever. She can't resist his cock, and keeps silent as he floods her again.
- - Then he gives her a choice: go back to camp with him (see next section), or stay here alone (she encounters the hungry swamp troll as per below)
If she refuses #5: It's getting late and she has to sleep outside.
- - swamp path: she encounters the swamp troll, but it is hungry, so after having fucked her, it promptly rips one of her arms off to snack on. If she flees the troll simply goes after her to pick her up after her strength fails her, and dumps her in his cupboards for future meals. If she accepts her destiny, and calmly stays, it fucks her a second time and becomes her friend, but then rips off her other arm to eat. The end.
- - cave path: she falls into a cave system from which she can't find any way out, with only strange lichen to eat. She wakes up from a sting inside her. She can see the end of a large centipede crawling inside her, and a smaller one eat her right nipple. More appear in the distance. She can stay calm and let her breast be eaten and allow the others to enter her pussy, or she can panic and run around in circles. In the first case, she's quickly eaten for a merciful death. In the second, she eventually realizes the large one is nesting inside her vagina and that the small one successfully ate its way into her boob. She has to endure the wriggling sensations as they eventually meet inside her womb to copulate. The next day, she cramps and is forced to hunch down, dropping eggs which start to hatch immediately. Again, she can panic and fight the cramp to run away, or she can stay. If she stays, she can even sit down on her rump to make it easy for the newborn to crawl into her (a merciful ending). In the end, she keeps dropping new batches of eggs endlessly until she accepts being food for her young.
- - cliffs path: just as she lies down to sleep, she can see a campfire where a demon rapes three harpies. If she moves closer to investigate, she can see how the harpies enjoy it, despite getting bloated and with cum pouring from their distended breasts. If she throws a rock to distract the demon, she can save their lives. Otherwise, she watches as they burst one after the other.
If she doesn't investigate, or investigates but does not intervene, she encounters the pixie in the morning. But choosing to fuck him won't save her this time, since instead of encountering harpies, (s)he encounters the demon, which won't see her as female and attacks and kills her/him.
If she intervenes, the demon tracks her down if she does so before one harpy has burst. Burst ending. Otherwise, it decides to eat the harpy carcass, which lets the other two fly away, if only just (with so full bellies). The next morning, she encounters one of the hugely pregnant harpies having crash-landed with a broken wing. She can choose to help her herself, get help, or ignore the harpy's plight.
- - help her herself. As she manages to get the harpy to safety and wrap her wing, the harpy starts giving birth. There are a dozen demonic baby creatures...
- - get help. The remaining harpy cackles and says she doesn't care for her sister. If she's persuaded to help out, see above. Otherwise, that harpy pushes the girl to her death to feed her young.
- - ignore. She moves on, but there's been a rock fall forcing her to go back. Again, she can approach the harpies, or retrace her steps. This ends her up back at goat man camp.
back in camp
She's redirected back to their camp, where they offer her a meal. She can sit on their cocks while eating
She's cold in her tent and they offer her a spot in theirs, cocks filling her insides
morning wood
Morning comes. She vows what happened yesterday stays in the past, but since it isn't really the new day yet, they can cum a final time inside her
farewell 2
Again farewells, with kisses and cocks. As they fail to pull out, she laughs and teases them. She wonders if she's getting too intimate?
They again ask if she wants to be their wife and have a belly full of puppies. If she declines, they suggest a day down at the river bend full with sunshine and meeting new people. That's harmless, right?
She can actually muster the strength to deny them sex, when they arrive. The sun is shining and the river bank is beachy. She does have to oil herself up, if she lets them do it, that turns her on too much.
After a while of nude sunbathing, she decides to go explore.
As she meets a pair of dog men, and explains her predicament with the hunting party of goat men. She suspects that all they want is to get into her pants (if she had any on, that is). They are sympathetic and casually caress her body, it feels very nice.
They offer a solution: she needs to cleanse her palate, and that they can make her leave the goat men. If she's interested, they plop her down and unceremoniously fuck her, first one, then the other. If she asks them to pull out, they explain that would miss the point, beside they can't, they have knotted cocks after all.
They take a bath and playfully splash water, and they both enter her pussy in the water and ejaculate inside her. The double knot inside her pussy makes her incoherent. While they wait for their knots to release her they kiss and laugh, and that gets them rutting her again, and cumming again. This time they have to awkwardly drag themselves ashore, where they ask if she really wants them to exit. If she says they can stay inside a little while longer, they double fuck her pussy for the third time. Now her insides are sloshing. After this, they don't ask, instead surreptiously start rutting to DP her a fourth time. Then she feels drowsy, and if she doesn't fight it, she wakes up to getting double-reamed again. Angry as she might be for getting taken advantage of, she can't make them leave until their knots have subsided. Are you ever going to let me go? As soon as we don't feel like fucking anymore, we promise you're free to go. Okay, so what are you waiting for, do what you have to do. She realizes that she's getting off faster the more enthusiastically she lets them fuck her.
All while this is happening they spot a large mino man. As he watches her getting repeatedly double-raped, he's getting a huge erection.
The dog men urge her to approach that mino man and seduce him. The point is to dilute any goat man cum.
beach bar
He's very gentlemanly, and offers to clean out the dog cum.
He fucks her five times, each time cumming copiously in her womb, making her swell out to full-term pregnant proportions.
Then he takes her waddling to the beach bar, where he kisses her hand, and tells her he wants to see if she can stay on a bar stool for an entire hour. If she stays, he'll offer to accompany her home.
Sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender, various other strangers approach her where she sits on her bar stool to fuck her from behind. She feels carefree and is convinced she's freed of the goat men's influence, even as her belly and breasts start to hurt from bloating.
After the hour is up, mino man returns. The bartender asks him if he can have a go at such a lovely creature, especially since you've made friends over the last hour. Of course, assuming you're up for it, my dear.
They fuck her each twice, taking turns, before she complains about back ache. Perhaps if we lie down. Mino man lies down on a table and sinks her on his cock, allowing bartender to lift her legs in the air so he too can fuck her pussy. They do that twice, before calling it a day.
She can stay at the bar until morning, or mino man offers to take her home.
walking home
Does she want to empty herself out? No, perhaps you should then walk home supported on my sturdy cock, mino man offers.
As they slowly make their way home, he cums several times, and in the end, her belly gets too big to continue walking.
If she still doesn't want to be emptied out, he fucks her gently once more, trying to do it causing as little pain as possible. Then he bids her farewell. She might be a tad disappointed he left her out there alone, but she also understands how careless she is to have allowed herself to grow too large to even walk.
During the night, various creatures sniff her out.
If she instead stays at the bar, she returns to mino man camp to get her stuff at first light.
farewell 3 and loving sex
Next morning when she comes back to goat men camp to collect her stuff and finally go home, they suggest she should voluntarily ask them to cum inside her, to prove that she can do it and still walk away.
She feels confident she can, and it's not like the risk of getting pregnant can increase much more anyway, right?
The first time, everything goes according to plan: she can ask each of them to cum inside, and nothing changes or feels different, except of course how great it feels.
engagement rings
But she gets a bit worried when it feels so natural to fuck again a second time. Should she really tell them she wants them to fill her up again. Then the first man pull out a ring, and asks if she wants to be engaged. Of course she wants to! and she kisses him, and tells him he can cum inside her any time he wants. Soon she's wearing five rings.
farewell 4
The next day, she bids them farewell. They ask if she would like a peek at their village, just a quick one, but she smiles and says "maybe next time". Then they kiss, and fuck, and maybe just a quick visit, is it far?
By this time, she's lost her bra and panties, wearing a blouse generously open with her large tits perking impossibly, and her dress is curiously short, almost so her pussy is peeking out, but she loves the sensuality. They walk all day and the next.
As they approach the village the goat men explains how the mino men stole all their women last year, and that most of their friends left town. Now it's a sad lonely place with just a few neighbors still left.
They come upon a field where this burly goat man tends the fields. He's wearing patchy overalls and his manly chest is all sweaty. His swollen cock and balls can be seen through an unfortunate hole.
She walks to meet him and they introduce. He says he can't believe she's a real female and reaches out to pull out a breast of her blouse by the nipple. Before reddening and asking where his manners went; it's been so long without seeing beautiful women around her. But he doesn't stop pinching her nipple, making her pussy gush. And his huge cock rises up and out of his overalls. He apologizes, but says he has to wear open clothing or they just get soiled and destroyed.
As he speaks, he pulls at her teats. She's mesmerized by the look of the giant cock. It's massively thick, with a two inch wide flared head. The pee hole alone is large enough for her to insert her thumb. Through the coveralls, she can get a glimpse of his obscene balls. They sag down to his knees, and look like he's wearing to wgrocery bags under his cock. As his massively swollen balls twitch, the pee hole starts to drip pre-cum, which quickly increases to a steady flow.
Anyway nice seeing you; a farewell hug. As he embraces her, his cock finds its way underneath her skirt and glides along her pussy folds. She instinctively grabs it as he apologizes and moves back a bit. But she doesn't let go, as he asks her where she comes from. Now it doesn't just drip, it gushes.
He tells her he can't remember when a lady with breasts as good-looking as these last was seen in the village, and teases both her breasts out of her blouse. She mindlessly keeps stroking his cock, now pointing straight out, each time milking a small squirt of pre-cum out of it. She doesn't seem to mind how it stains her dress and drips down her legs.
Can he suck at her breast, just to remember how it felt like?
Of course. As he moves closer he apologizes for staining her dress, and asks her if she maybe could hold it up while he sucks at her nipple. As she lifts her dress up, he closes in, and the cock head nestle between her pussy folds, quickly soaking them and making precum dribble into her. Sorry I'm so clumsy. Not to worry, now come here before I change my mind, she says still holding her large teats out. As he sucks her long nipple into his mouth, he accidentally pushes against her cunt entrance. He keeps this up, and pre-cum soon sloshes against his cock head to drool down on the ground between her legs.
With a gasp she can feel it finally inches inside her, and his balls twitch. They both freeze.
Shhhh... just take it easy, you don't want to get me pregnant. But he slowly enters her some more, then hesitates. No, don't get scared, I trust you. As he tentatively pushes some more, they both watch as his huge cock twitches, and he gasps. Even when he cums just a little, they fight to hold still. As he keeps making small spurts, she reaches down and pinches the base of his cock, hard. There there, you know you can't cum in me. They both stay like that until he takes a deep breath - he's managed to halt his orgasm.
check up
I need you to do something for me, she whispers in his ear. You need to pull out, so I can make sure you're not impregnating me. I would love to give you your first fuck in years, but I can't risk getting pregnant.
Slowly he nods. Even slower, he eases back out of her. Suddenly he stops, gritting his teeth to hold back a massive ejaculation. You've got this, she pants, and watches as more and more of his thick and glistening cock meat exits her hole, mixed fluids running down his gargantuan balls, to finally splatter against the ground.
Carefully, very carefully, his cock head leaves her with a slurping noise, and cum-filled pussy juice runs down her legs.
She bends down, and holds up the cock. It twitches, and she gets a splatter over her breasts. "There's a steady stream of whitish fluid running out of the cock hole, like a tap."
"I would have thought that to be normal, if a bit unusual".
Again, the cock in her hand jerks and she barely has time to turn her face aside, getting splashed right over her cheek and ear. She also gets some in her mouth.
"Are you cumming?" she asks
"No, that's just the way my balls react to being aroused. Maybe they're extra aroused with such a sexy woman around."
Another twitch, but this time she's ready, and just lets it sloosh between her breasts.
"I don't know... it looks just like cum, and it's a lot".
He shrugs. I guess that's the way I am.
The cock idly splooges her tits again.
I really like you, and I would never do anything to harm you. But right now, I really would like to fuck your pussy. As deep and hard as I can. I will try really hard to pull out in time, but what I can't do is change the way I was born. It's the sight of a sexy babe like you that makes the precum pour out like that. What do you say?
She bites her lip, and considers how alike a cumming cock it looks, but what a fine cock it is. She makes the mistake of holding it up to see right into the pee hole, and she nearly gets blinded by another idle spurt.
Wiping away the worst, and tasting it again, she makes up her mind. "Okay. Since that's the only way I can help you."
Standing up, she guides the monster cock to her pussy lips, getting her belly button splattered in the process, and watches as cum oozes thickly out to stick to her pussy lips and dribble down her legs.
I'll be really careful, he says. Then, with a long steady push, his flared cock head disappears from view, and she feels stuffed to the brim. She spasms from the feeling, and he goes grunting, "careful there little lady, You aren't making it any easier". She can imagine the cum pouring out his large pee hole, but she realizes that's just the way he's built, poor thing.
Then he pushes some more, taking it slow, but soon reaching her cervix, where the large flared cock head snags. Aagh, he says, and shudders. She can see his balls jump, and is rewarded by a jet of warm fluids being sprayed right into her womb.
"Unnh..." he says and she looks up. She sees veins bulge in his forehead as he tries really hard to stop himself from cumming prematurely, all while his cock is pressing against the entrance to her warm wet womb.
They both stand very still, not even breathing. finally she says go ahead, enter me to the hilt, you haven't had a cunt for so long, you poor thing. Just take it easy so you don't cum... She gives him a quick kiss, and whispers thank you. I knew you could hold it.
He pushes past, and finally she's full of his entire cock. "Now feel it. You're inside a woman, completely. Kiss me."
He starts cumming while they kiss, but just a little, and she doesn't let off she noticed.
As he keeps pulsating, he figures she has relaxed about her pregnancy scare a bit. After a while of sweet kissing, he is emboldened enough to ask her Can I rut? Just a bit? I'm not sure, you seem pretty close to the edge. I think I can do it without going over the edge. She doesn't answer right away, so he starts to glide in and out, and finally she says sure, baby. Just make sure you know when to stop, I'm trusting you to not impregnate me.
He tries a few more fucks, and then she grips his cock with her pussy. Ahh... hold still, woman! Sorry, sorry... he did spurt, .... and another spurt... perhaps you should pull out? spurt, be silent, I've got... spurt, this.
And he has. The cock goes still. She smiles. My hero.
Now, he feels the tension has subsided just a bit, and he starts to fuck her. Slowly at first, but then more forcefully. He realizes it's because he did have release if only just, but is thankful it lets him fuck this woman properly.
She's building up to a huge orgasm, this massive cock is stretching her out and making her eyes roll up into her head.
"Are you alright," he says. Maybe you should sit down?
She has this glassy stare, but then she nods, realizing she almost fainted. Maybe if you lean against that fence, I could sit in your lap. I wouldn't want you to have to take out your cock just because of me.
As he lifts her by her rump and moves to a half-sitting position on the fence, she starts to lift her leg.
What are you doing, he says in alarm as his cock is squeezed most crudely.
"Just flipping over to sit in your lap", she says. But all her movements do is kneading his cock, and it lurches most alarmingly.
"Lady, be still", he says, but she's half way to turning around. And then he's fighting this extreme burning sensation in his cock head, and all he can do is fight it.
While she gets around, his balls start cramping and cum sloshes out of his cock. Then finally she sits down, and his cock bumps against the back of her womb. "No, no, no... what have you done..." he goes with his cock uncontrollably spasming.
She realizes she might have misjudged how fast and easy she could rotate on his cock, but it sure feels good to be stuffed to the brim. She watches with amazement how the outline of his cock bulges against her belly below her breasts.
She takes his hands and clasps them over her belly. Shhhh, I'm still. Just stay still and be with me. They both stay still while he fights it. They both feel how the cock jerks, but each time the interval gets longer.
He thinks it's passed, and lets out a long sigh. She turns her head to kiss him, and places his hands on her large sweaty breasts.
He unthinkingly grabs her soft breast meat and something in his reptile brain fires. The cock cramps up and shoots a cannonball of cum.
"No, no, " she says in alarm, "you got this." Just breathe. I know you don't want to knock up a girl against her will.
"Arrgh," he says, and cums again violently. But he bits his lip and starts bleeding, and then he just breathes really fast and shallow. The giant cock twitches, and twitches again, but finally goes still.
back in her trust
Her concern is slowly changed into pleasure, as she renews her belief in him holding it.
"Whew, that was close, mam." The burning sensation is still there, but it has receded. And it feels like the flood of cum has reduced to a lazy slosh. His cock is still hard as steel though, and his balls painfully cramped up.
Please, take your time, but don't leave me empty. Let's calm down so you can fuck me some more.
He takes a deep breath, and sushes her with a kiss.
They sit like that for a long while.
Finally, he acts on a primal urge, pulling her large breast to his mouth, sucks her nipple into his mouth and bites it cruelly.
Her reaction is much stronger than he thought, then again, he wasn't really thinking. She goes entirely rigid, her pussy spasming around his cock, hard. He grits his teeth and starts lifting her up and down to fuck her, first steadily but as she keeps squeezing his cock, he picks up the pace until he brutally rams her, his huge cock showing as an ever redder impression under her skin just below her juicy slimy flopping breasts.
FUCK ME she screams, and claws into his thighs. He grunts again, and bites her neck, and then he starts REALLY fucking her.
By now sweat runs off them both, and she shrieks and clamps her pussy down like a vice. For a second, his cock is completely stuck, but then he stands and shoves her against the fence, her feet not reaching the ground, plowing her with all his might, pounding her insides again and again, with his full strength as he might punch somebody at the bar.
Then she reaches back to rake her nails right into his sides, gasping wordlessly. And he bellows. As he frantically rams her he starts cumming, copiously. Still he fucks her brutally, and she shrieks, and he keeps cumming buckets. She flops here and there, not finding anywhere to stand. Her belly fills up, until he finally enters her even deeper, smacking his engorged balls against her sweaty ass. His eyes bulging, his grunts turn to groans. Her yells turn to gargles. Still he humps her, only more and more forced and erratically. Her belly gets heavier and heavier, and she cums like she was electrocuted.
Suddenly his legs gives in under him, and he flops to the ground, his body over hers. He is now still, panting raggedly, still cumming. She feebly tries to drag herself off of his cock, and succeeds in inching away just enough for cum to spurt out of her pussy around his still-spasming cock.
Then his strength fails him completely, and he glides off her, falling on his back, taking her with him. She flops over to sit on him, but is kept upright by the still-cumming cock she's speared on.
For a minute, they remain unconscious, only shuddering once in a while.
While he lies still as death, she comes to, drawing a breath, only to gargles and spit cum. Bewildered, she flays around, disorientated and blind. Once, twice, she splutters a great mouthful of cum that splatters down her breasts and belly, before she finally manages to draw ragged breath, and yet he bucks and sends his cum up into her belly.
After a minute, as his twitching finally slows down, she manages to clear out the cum in her eyes, enough to squint. As she still dribbles cum out her mouth, she weakly tries to reach down to see how he is, but something keeps her from bending her body. Her belly and breasts are slick with fluids, and they are large. But it's his rod that keeps her erect.
As he finally starts moaning, she looks at him, then wipes her arm across her mouth to get rid of great gobs of cum. She smiles, and says "I guess you got carried away..."
visit neighbor
He has two grown sons, who both enthusiastically feel her up and hump her insides. The father shrugs apologetically. Each son brings more and more friends and they all stick their cocks up her womb.
second neighbors
This pair of brothers are half-elephant, with trunks for cocks. She quickly ends up speared on both of them, even as they hug her welcome. They apologize for cumming so much.
friendly townsmen
Standing in line, doing small talk, yes, of course, you can have a quick friendly fuck btween neighbors
fertile ending
As she stands at the greengrocer, she can happily see the town flourishing with new tenants. Then her water breaks and she sits back to see her third litter with gorgeous babies pop out her cunt. As people give her warm smiles she picks up all five to breastfeed, luckily nobody minding her taking out her giant udders in public.
hero ending
As her goat husbands explain, the mino man village kindnapped all the women-folk. Now with her arrival they have the guts to attempt a rescue. She needs to infiltrate the mino man village and the goat men will stand by. When she gives the signal she's found exactly where the women are held, they will do a daring attack.
She freely enters the village and picks her bull. After willingly fucking him she's allowed to explore the village. It turns out all the goat men womenfolk are human women lured there with cum, and now they are happy mino wives, giving birth to strong mino babies.
Assuming the player makes choices to have the goat men act aggressively, but not so much so that she gets pissed off; and that the player plays her as reasonable and pliant, but still not like a slut or a push-over.
Melissa meets a hunting party of goat men. She's a good swordswoman but there are five of them. She can't scare them off, and they don't want her money. They suggest she be their wife and carry their children.
She gets angry and says she won't be their breeding mare and that they forget about putting their stinky cocks in her, she knows all about the tricks the forest monsters pull on respectable women.
Okay, so they want a blow-job each. She can negotiate them down to a kiss each. That's all they're gonna get.
- Blow-job: while she blows them, they keep trying to get into her pants. If she denies them, eventually one of them gets so frustrated he argues they should simply take their chances and attack her. She can't kill them all, and the survivors will have plenty of female flesh to eat. He demands to fuck her.
- Kiss: she's disgusted by getting tongued. When one of them pulls down her dress to kiss her nipple, she punches him. Outraged, the protest they kept to the bargain only nobody said where to kiss, and now they want to kiss her on her pussy. Eventually one of them gets enough and says they should simply take their chances and attack her. She can't kill them all, and the survivors will have plenty of female flesh to eat. He demands to fuck her.
When they see her round full breasts she can't help to notice their large flared cocks rising, pre-cum oozing from the heads.
She repeats she will never take their filthy cum, but he can fuck her in the ass if he must. He must.
As he prepares to mount her from behind he slips and enters her pussy. She can object, he apologizes. Slowly, he withdraws, a glistening strand of mixed pussy juice and pre-cum connecting his cock to her cunt.
Soon, he misses again, and bangs on her cervix wall, hard. He only gets half his length inside her. She gets both aroused and annoyed. The others try to distract her, demanding that she focus on deep-throating the cock in her mouth.
The goal is to accidentally on purpose cum in her, since cum is what opens the cervix (and generally acts as an uninhibitor).
She tells him he's hurting her, but doesn't reach for her sword. Instead she's asked to worry less and suck cock more. As the pain gets really annoying, she asks him when he's going to switch to her arse. But when she finally manages to swallow a cock whole, she cums, and her spasms drives the goat man fucking her over the edge.
She gets angry, says she told them not to cum in her, and says she'll kill them if they try that again. He apologizes and says she squeezed his cock and he couldn't hold it.
Nevertheless, when she moves to the next cock, another goat man prepares to fuck her - the deal was one ass fuck, and he cum in her pussy, didn't he? Very well, but he must promise to pull out in time!
Again, he "misses", but this time there is no pain, only pleasure. Unless she's absolutely adamant he pull out, he starts banging her in earnest. Then he cums in her, which makes her pissed off, saved only by his mate ramming a cock down her throat to silence her protests, and she has a huge orgasm.
Before she fully comes to the fifth and final goat man turns her over and starts fucking her. As she realizes he's in her pussy and starts to fight him, the cum finally loosens her cervix and he pushes his cock balls deep into her. The sensation of finally ramming his entire cock in a warm wet pussy makes him instantly lose it, gushing her with his seed. She frantically pushes him away, but he's mindlessly rutting her, and only when it is too late does she manage to get him off.
They all go wow at the sight of his entire rod go inside her, and the goat man says "you must let them try it, it wouldn't be fair otherwise".
She's very horny and it's very tempting, but still, she's wary it's a trick, and she makes them promise to pull out. She grabs her sword and says she'll run them through if they don't pull out.
They tell her it's no problem now that they've all already cum already, and she has nothing to worry about. It feels great to lie on her back getting fucked properly, all the way, and soon she lets them nibble and suck her tits. When she removes her top she puts down her sword.
As the goat man tenses up, she asks if he's getting close. As he stars to buck and grunt, she feels a wonderful warm feeling inside, but he insists it's a false alarm (it's not, he's hosing her). But since he keeps banging her and doesn't go soft, she believes him. But when he starts cumming a second time, she asks him to pull out. If he doesn't hear her, she starts to yell. Still if he doesn't listen, she forcibly pushes against him. Finally he withdraws, in the nick of time, because cum oozes out of his cock as he exits.
Still he did withdraw, so he gets a pass, if only barely. The next man takes his place without asking.
He's the youngest and most nervous of the five, and he immediately bucks and heaves. As he flops down on her breasts, he cries and asks for forgiveness, she was too soft and too warm... She can only forgive him for cumming too quickly.
Before his cum can ooze out of her his place is taken by the brutish goat man. He tells her as a matter of fact he's a real man and he doesn't pull out. As he starts to bang her expertly mashing her clitoris, he tells her to kill him, but only after he's spent.
She probably backs down and enjoys the rough ride. Then he cums buckets into her. They don't talk about it when he finally exits her.