
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:45, 4 August 2017 by Thor (Talk | contribs)


Personal Stats

Age : 18


height : 5'6" (1.70 cm)

Weight : 99 lbs (45 kg)

Bust : 32B*

Waist : 27

Hip : 32

Physical description : Andromeda has white blonde hair and deep green eyes. She has pale skin.

General personality : Andromeda is kind and caring but she can quickly become very cold and hostile. She prefers to be friendly but can be very brutal if the situation calls for it.

History : From a young age Andromeda displayed unique magical abilities. To ensure the safety of Andromeda and those around her, her parents hired the most powerful magic user they could find to teach her to control her powers. Her teacher took a long time to finally identify that Andromeda had a natural talent for Celestial magic. Knowing the massive power and danger of Celestial magic he taught her to focus her energy differently and for the first several years taught her Arcane magic. One of the techniques he taught her was to channel her power through a weapon and insisted she learn to fight. Andromeda loved this and became and expert fighter with a single headed battle axe. When Andromeda reached 14 he revealed the truth to her, that she was a Celestial Mage. From there he taught her about her true abilities. She continued to use her axe to channel the magic, but one day when she was trying a new and complex spell she accidentally lost control for a moment and killed her teacher.

Combat Stats

Weaponry :

Favorite Weapon: Single headed battle axe. Combat power : 55. (She has been training for a long time and uses her axe to channel her magic)

Unarmed Combat Power : 25. (She can hold her own against most opponents.)

for the statistics below, please choose between : (listed from lowest value to highest)
None | Limited | Low | Medium | High | Very High |  Unmatched.
Hint : A Character with its own strengths and weaknesses has far more personality than a 'perfect' one.

Abilities :

Strength : High. (Training with her axe has made her strong)

Speed : High. (Training with her axe has also made her fast)

Endurance : Medium. (She can keep going for a time but will begin to fall behind after some time)

Willpower : Medium. (Her magical abilities give her a slight edge here but not a big one.)

Magical Ability : Very High. (She has a natural ability to cast magic)


A list of spells known by the character and their description. (see : The Spellbook)

Offensive Spells : (Directly damages your enemies (need a fire? ..))

Defensive Spells : (Shields the caster from hostile effects or physical damage. (certain defensive spells like 'static shield' may damage attackers instead)

Enhancements : (strengthens yourself or lends extra abilities (flying, water walking..))

Curses : (Weakens a foe or prevents them from using certain abilities (like a no-healing stigma..))

Practical spells : (useful non-combat spells)


Patience : _______. (Ability to deal with annoying social situations, the lower this rating the more stamina will be drained by tiring social interactions.)

Diplomacy : _______. (Ability to talk your way out of a situation / convince others.)

Intimidate : _______. (Ability to frighten others, get them to back down from a fight/threaten them into doing what you want)

Bluff : _______. (The ability to lie without anyone noticing, or hide your actual feelings. Doesn't necessarily mean you always do this, just that you CAN.)

Charm : _______. (The ability to arouse others sexually, consciously . A character with a low rating here wouldn't know how to seduce anyone, but that only makes her More likely to seduce someone accidentally.)

Sneaking : _______. (The ability to hide in the shadows and launch a sneak attack or avoid/observe the target.)

Acrobatics :_______. (The ability to climb, jump over obstacles and rooftops, dance on a wire etc.)

Tool Use : ______. (The ability to deal with mechanical contraptions - such as locks or traps.)

Survival : _______. (The ability to survive in the wilderness.)

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