College Fuck Adventure/Inspect the stone

From Create Your Own Story

"What in the fuck..."

You grasped the stone, holding it close to your face when you heard a whisper in your mind:

Make a wish, and it shall be granted

"WHAT IN THE FUCK" you erupted.

You can have anything...

For many minutes you couldn't believe it was happening. It had to be some sort of liqour-induced dream.

Make a wish...

"Okay. Damn. I will then"

You thought of several possibilities. Wealth, fame, glory... But you wanted women. You wanted revenge for all the years girls tormented you for your weight. You wanted to control them.

"I wish for the power to controll all women."

As the last word left your mouth, the stone glowed bright blue and dissolved into thin air.

Still in disbelief, what do you do?

Go to commons

Check the lobby

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