Willow Cole. You're sure you'll be seeing a lot of Panzer, maybe more than you want.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:46, 23 March 2016 by PanzerLord1943 (Talk | contribs)

"Hey Willow, we're roommates!" You say, showing her your map, she looks at it, then hers.

"That-That's great!" She says, though you can tell she's nervous. Panzer places an arm over her shoulders, and kisses her check.

"Don't worry, meine schöne Freundin, she seems nice." You hear him whisper to her. Willow must be shy about something. "I'll carry your bag there."

With that, the three of you make your way to your room. You find room 804 easily enough. Stepping inside, you see a bunk bed, two desks and chairs, a sofa, a tv, and a bathroom. You place your bags on the bottom bunk, and look into the bathroom. There is only a toilet, a shower stall, a sink, and a mirror.

"You sure you want the bottom bunk?" Panzer asks, helping Willow with her bag.

"Eh, it's not important." You tell him. You wonder why he asked.

"Alright. Either of you need me, my number's on Willow's phone." He says, setting down the bags. Pausing for a minute to give Willow a nonverbal goodbye, Panzer walks out.

"Say, Willow, why do you have a hoodie on? It's nearly 80 degrees out." You ask. You've been wondering that since you saw her.

"W-Well, the th-thing is, uh." She murmurs, putting her index fingers together nervously, before sighing. "Alright, since I have to live with you, I'll show you."

With that, she slowly unzips her hoodie. You feel awkward, as it looks like she's stripping for you. She pulls of the hoodie, revealing a white wife beater over her, well endowed you think, chest. She turns half way to the right letting you see her shoulder. On it are the black letters I, R, and A on a green oval.

"Me dad had me get it a few months ago, while I dated Panzer. He said that as his only child, I'd have to fight, and forget about 'some Kraut'." She says, rubbing the tattooed area. "Then the RUC shot him, and I moved in with my mother in Limerick. She was overjoyed to have me, and approved of Panzer."

Just as you placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, the announcement came on about lunch in the cafeteria for all first and second years.

Do you go...

Go to lunch

Go to lunch with Willow

...Or stay

Stay by yourself

Ask Willow to stay with you

Gender Female Equipment:

Cell phone, map

Roommate Willow Cole
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