A 10-year-old boy-Ask the doctor who you are

From Create Your Own Story

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You actually feel great, far better than you did before the strange man showed up in your room, but you also realize that the nice looking redhead with the anxious look on her pretty face is going to expect you to know a lot of things that you have no clue about, and telling the truth would just result in you getting transferred to a nice padded room where you get the cool drugs. Hoping you can really sell it, you decide you're going to have to pretend to have amnesia in order to get them to fill you in on your new life. "I feel awesome!" you say, resisting the urge to ogle Nurse Heather, your reason for feeling particularly awesome. "So maybe you could tell me what I'm doing in a hospital? And why everyone keeps calling me Jimmy? Is that my name?"

As if on cue, the redhead gasps in shock, while Heather looks at you in surprise, likely surprised that you hadn't brought up something about this sooner, and Doctor Winslow looks at you with concern. "Why, what do you think your name is?" the doctor asks.

"I don't know; I guess Jimmy's fine with me if that's what everyone wants to call me."

"Do you prefer something more mature, like Jim or James? Is that what you're saying?"

"No, those don't seem any more right than Jimmy does. Besides, the cute lady over there seems to like to call me that," you add, pointing at the redhead, "and she looks so much nicer when she's smiling, so let's not make her sad or anything. I'll be Jimmy."

Almost as if she was acting out a script, the redhead goes, "Oh my God! he doesn't remember me. Do you think he has amnesia, Doctor?"

"Temporary memory loss isn't uncommon with such severe head injuries, Miss O'Shannon. In most cases, the loss is neither permanent nor long lasting. We'll just have to see how it plays out. As you're aware, his MRI's have been fine, no further sign of trauma for weeks."

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