Advanced Dating:Wait for Tina to get out of the shower

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You sit on the edge of the bed and wait for Tina. After a few minutes, you hear the shower turn off, and a couple seconds later, Tina walks into the room. She has a towel, but it is wrapped around her hair, and you get a good look at her body, still slick from the hot shower. She has beautiful skin, perfect little A-cup breasts, and a neatly trimmed pussy. Her legs are toned and beautiful, and she's altogether very slim and attractive. You take this all in in the moment she walks into the room, and then she freezes as she sees you. After a second of shock, she pulls the towel off her head and wraps it around her body.

"David, I... I didn't realize you would be here so soon."

"It's okay, Tina, I'm definitely glad I got here when I did. You are absolutely beautiful."

"I'm going to get dressed, okay?"

"No problem, go right ahead." you say, laying back and staring at the ceiling. You hear the sounds of a drawer opening and clothing being moved, and after a few seconds you sit up. Tina has a tight pair of blue jeans on, and a black bra, and is pulling a pink tank top on, facing away from you. She then pulls on a black t-shirt, and brushes her hair. Then she goes over and sits next to you on the bed.

"David, I asked you to come here because I know there's something between us, and I want to explore it more. I didn't know if you were interested, but I think it's pretty obvious now that you are. What do you think?"

"I think that you're right, of course, and that I would love to explore this more, whatever it is. Don't feel the need to rush into anything with me, but I'm comfortable with anything you are." you reply.

"I definitely want us to be more than friends, and to do more than just fool around, but to be honest it's been way too long for me, and I'm okay with skipping the first few weeks if you are. It's clear that we both like each other's personality, and I definitely find you attractive. Why bother with the formalities? We both know where this is going. Now I'm not asking you for any commitment or anything; let's just see where this goes first."

"I'm totally okay with that Tina, but I do have a question for you first."

Nervously, Tina glances over at you. "Yes?"

"Why did you bother getting dressed?" You smile mischievously.

"Oh, well I figured we'd just start with you today, if you don't mind. I definitely need some blowjob practice, and I figured you'd be up for that, right?"

Tina rolls off the bed and kneels in front of you, and unzips your pants slowly. She digs through your underwear and fishes your cock out. It's already halfway hard left over from you seeing her get out of the shower. She plays with it with her hands for a minute or so, then puts it in her mouth and starts sucking. She's definitely right; she needs the practice. It feels good, but she's just sucking on your dick like a straw, not moving her head or doing anything else. Your cock eventually hardens, but it does take some time, and Tina's method really doesn't do a whole lot for you.

"Tina, sucking is only part of it. I'm no expert, but I know that you're supposed to move your head, and let your mouth slide along it. Like a Popsicle, not a straw. Go ahead, try it."

Tina starts bobbing her head up and down, and soon she loosens her mouth a little to allow your cock to slide along her lips and tongue. As she does this, the pleasure dramatically increases for you, and you groan in appreciation. Tina stops, and releases your cock, looking up at you.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asks.

"No, that feels so much better than before. Keep doing it that way for sure. Try doing things with your tongue too, if you want."

Tina smiles at you, and you play with her straight black hair as she goes back to work, sliding your now rock hard cock between her lips again and bobbing her head up and down your shaft. You feel her tongue flick across the head whenever she comes up, and she goes a little further down than she was before. However, after a while she starts to speed up a little too much. Pretty soon she's going up and down your cock crazily, and she loses all technique.

"Slow down. There's no rush, and it feels way better if you go slowly when you go deep. Speed is only better when you're only sucking on the top."

Tina nods and pulls back, bobbing her head quickly on the top of your shaft, then slowly taking you deeper into her mouth. When she's sucking the end of your cock, she is bobbing her head up and down quickly while playing with the tip with her tongue. When she goes deeper, she slows way down, concentrating on sucking much harder and fitting as much of your cock in her mouth as she can while still breathing. She alternates between these two methods, and the result is amazing. When she goes fast, the stimulation on the end of your cock is intense, and when she takes you in deep, your whole cock twitches in pleasure. You feel your balls tingling, and know that you don't have much time left.

"Tina, I'm about to explode here, so we need a clear game plan. Everyone has a way they prefer things. Some girls swallow all of it, some want it on their face or body, and some just try to save it for the real thing. It's totally up to you."

Tina nods, and sucks furiously, taking you deeper and deeper into her throat, nearly gagging on your fat cock. As your orgasm hits you, you grunt and pull her head down, and you feel her gulp as she swallows the load you are shooting into her throat. After you finish, she pulls her mouth off of you slowly with a slurp, and a string of your cum hangs from her mouth to your cock. She uses her finger to get it all in her mouth, and swallows it eagerly. Then she tucks your cock back into your pants, zips you up, and climbs back onto the bed next to you. You lay back contentedly, and she lays next to you, her arm around your body. You kiss her on the forehead.

"That was really good Tina. I don't want to say that you don't need more practice, of course, but you're definitely getting better."

"Thank you, David. I really enjoyed that, you were so comfortable with me, and patient. We'll do it again soon, for sure."

"That's fine, of course, but do you want me to return the favor now?" you ask.

"No, don't worry about me. I masturbated in the shower before you got here, so I would have some control."

You smile at her, and give her another kiss. Then you sit up, and walk to the door.

"I'll see you soon, okay, Tina?"

"Tomorrow, I hope." she replies with a wink.

You return to your room.

Your room

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