ROTS/Vader: Deadly Dueling

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:10, 23 June 2013 by KC Riley (Talk | contribs)

You turn a switch on your lightsaber, and the blade comes alive with a snap and a hiss.

Shaak Ti sighs deeply and gets up.

"I always sensed some darkness in you, Skywalker, but I never thought it would come to this."

"Anakin Skywalker is dead," you curtly reply as you take a dueling stance. "I am Darth Vader."

She pauses, inhaling, as if breathing in the Force, and sighs again. "So he is." A frown forms familiar lines in the bright red skin of her lower face. "But your time as a Sith is already done, Vader."

In a blink of an eye, Shaak Ti has crossed the room, her saber ignited and about to cleave through your neck.

With your Force-enhanced reflexes, you bring your blade up to block just in time.

She continues to go on the offensive, but you parry every attack with ease.

You take a moment to admire the sapphire glow of your two lightsabers on her flawless red and white skin, bringing extra vibrancy to her contrasting blue and white lekku.

Shaak Ti takes advantage of your momentary lapse of attention and nearly slices your arm off, but you leap out of the way just in time.

Growing tired of the battle, and increasingly conscious of your insistent arousal, you make a snap decision:

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Vader
Revenge of the Sith

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