
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:14, 19 June 2012 by Bluewonder (Talk | contribs)

| I Wish to Play in Sand, I Believe.||

    So, I'm wanting to get a little bit involved with this site, maybe. And I've decided, in order to keep from completely destroying anyone's work, I'd play in sand here, like the page told me to. 
    Even as I write this, though, I have no idea how this will turn out. I'l going to experiment a little, and see what happens.
Health 60 Equipment:


MP 44
Level 1000

So, that little status bar seemed to work quite nicely.

Let's see if I have what it takes to manipulate it a bit. I'm trying to make it a nice Amethyst color, followed by a complimentary Android Green. Instead of it being a status bar, I want it to be a... Magic bar. Now time to add in a few more changes...

Energy 100% Equipment:

A magic-infused gem that will assist you should you run low on energy.

Curses I wonder what happens when you write too much?
Level Maxed out, definatly.

Eh, a few faults in the coloring, but I know where I went wrong, and it's nothing I can't fix. Just feel a bit too lazy to change it right now, too eager to move on, you know?

I FEEL MYSELF LEARNING! Ah, it feels good to bold and italicize! And it appears I have broken out of those ugly text boxes. I wonder how I managed that??? And if I can make green, can I make ORANGE?

LE GASP! I can! How about... Amethyst? I'm thinking it's too much to hope for... Ah, it was. It changed it to a weird color. Or maybe that's what it decided was amethyst? And why am I stuck on that color, anyway??? But what about shades, like Light blue? Or is it one word? Oh! It's one word! I love colors. But I shall not overuse them, Mr. Genie. Just as I have been instructed. :D Time to mix things up a little...

And I'm going to steal Mr. Genie's landscape to try to add a picture.


Did it work? Yes it did! Wow! I'm amazed by how simple this is! :D

Oh! I seems I've gone through the whole tutorial! I feel accomplished now.

One day, I shall upload the story I'm currently working on. Before then, though, you might see me around, editing and stuff. I still feel like I have things to learn, so I might piddle on this a few more times before I do. But all the same, I have written. And I am finished!

Do you:

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