Pokemon: leave

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:51, 18 December 2011 by Bluelightning108 (Talk | contribs)
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You decide that all your rivals have left by now. You heal up quickly and make your way to Viridian. Pokedex. You then (with Boltie on your shoulder, and she's starting to look really happy) head into Viridian forest. Bug types are the most common here, but you think you could find lake or a pond or something, and water types would be useful at the gym in Pewter. You know that you could do a lot of these things, but decide that only three are realistic. What do you do first.

do you

Pichu: (female) Hp: 31 Att: 16 Def: 16 Sp Att: 22 Spd: 22 |Health=100%|Level 13} Special Attacks: Thundershock, Tail Whip, Wave Lightning, Charm

Pidgey: (female) Hp: 20 Att: 13 Def: 11 Sp Att: 11 Spd: 14 |Health=100%|Level 9} Special Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack

Rattata: (male) Hp: 14 Att: 10 Def: 7 Sp Att: 5 Spd: 10 |Health=100%|Level 5} Special Attacks: Tail Whip

Pokeballs: 6 Potions: 6 Oran Berries: 12 Sitris Berries: 6 Pecha berries: 6 Cheri berries: 1 Rawst berries: 1

Money: $565:33

Ribbons: 1, Viridian

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