Victim: Orgasm! This humiliation is such a turn on!

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His cock keeps hitting the back of your throat, bruising it and making you gag each time. You've had boys talk about blowjobs and even ask for one, but you've never given one before, preferring to tease and taunt and then blow them off. This guy just slams it in like you're a hole in the wall.

After a few more stroke he hits your throat particularly hard, making you see stars just before you throw up, vomit coming out of your mouth and nose like a fountain, covering your face.

He stares at you in disgust, his cock covered in chunks of breakfast, and punches you in your tits over and over, left then right. The pain and the smell of vomit makes you upchuck again, more of your spew piling onto his cock.

He growls, and rolls your body, yanking your legs up so your ass is raised.

"You want filthy, bitch?" he asks, like you'd had a choice. "Try this."

The next moment you feel an explosion of pain from your butt and realize he's jamming his vomit-covered dick into your asshole.

You open your mouth to scream, only to vomit again, weakly. He laughs as your face lies in a puddle of your own stomach contents, and jams his dick as hard and far into your ass as he can. Like his face-fucking he doesn't give a shit about you or if you like it. He doesn't care that you're pretty, because right now you're not. He doesn't care if you're popular because there's no one here. He doesn't care that you didn't say he could because he doesn't care about you. For the first time in your life you're not special, not beautiful, not in a position of power. For the first time you're helpless and disgusting and worthless. Everything you believed about yourself is stripped away by his rape of your mouth and ass, by his easy dominance and callous disregard of you.

Suddenly all the other boys seem immature and worthless compared to him. It's a weird jolt. He goes from being your rapist and a terror to being something like your god, a boy you can't deny because he won't take no. Somehow it all coagulates in your body and mind in one big giant sensation that makes your body convulse and your mouth cry out and your brain overload with what you belatedly realize is your first orgasm.

He starts to laugh atop you and grabs your hair, using it to rub your face through vomit and the softened dirt beneath it, smearing the still-clean parts of you with filth. You feel like it's your pristine soul he's touching, fouling, and the more filth he coats you with the more the pressure builds up.

His cock rotates, stabs you from different angles, and gouges as deep as it can. You feel wetness trickling from it and know you're bleeding, but you don't care. You're waiting for him to cum, for the final degradation and filth, and until that happens the pleasure inside grows, as if this time it can't be released unless he completes the process. If he takes too long you feel like you'll explode, but he doesn't take long because he doesn't care about you, only about himself, and your asshole is just another way to masturbate himself to an orgasm, your suffering is just another turn on.

At long last he grunts, a chink in his armor. He doesn't care about you, he's ruined you, but you had the power to make this happen, you just had to be raped and beaten to make it happen. His orgasm is permission for your own, and you buck even more wildly than before, rubbing your own face into the puke in front of you as your brain overloads.

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 14 Nothing
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