TBE: Try to fight the two men before they rape you

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 22:48, 4 February 2010

“Fuck you, you fucking fuck,” you say, and you twist and kick Willy in the face. He cries out in pain, and you pull your legs up under you, preparing to do your signature wrestling move.

“Hey, you . . .” the second man starts, but he has not time.

You let him hold your wrists, using them as leverage, as you spin out and roll your entire body. You hands find his wrists, as you swing your legs around to the man’s side, and pull yourself to a kneeling position. He has clearly never had any wrestling training, or he would know to let go of you the moment you grabbed his wrists. But grappling has always been one of your strong suits, and you apply all your knowledge here.

You let go of one of his wrists, and put both hands on the other, bringing it around behind his back and force him to bend down, placing his head roughly against the cobbles, dirty and muck of the alley. He grunts in pain, but you aren’t through. These men were preparing to rape you, perhaps kill you, and not only are you through being a victim, but you aren’t about to let these men ply their trade on some other, less capable girl.

You bring the man’s wrist up, past the hammer-lock position, and keep pushing until you hear the pop-snap of something dislocating and breaking. He screams, and it’s the second sweetest sound you have ever heard.

Letting go of him, you turn to the first man, who is now recovering from your well-timed and well-placed kick. You bounce to your feet, ignoring the pain from your beating, and kick him square in his bare balls. You are loathe to touch him there, but the satisfaction of hearing him grunt as you deliver three more kicks to his groin is worth it. He slumps to the ground on his back, and you almost decide that he’s had enough.


The first, sweetest sound you have ever heard comes after you jump up, and bring both of your heels down hard on this man’s chest. Ribs crack under the impact and he screams in beautiful, glorious pain from his new injuries.

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