TT: Ignore him

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 16:09, 16 November 2009

You turn back toward the opening, ignoring the vampire completely. You step through the wall into the waning sunlight.

"You come here and face me!" he spits.

You keep walking.

Ignoring his continued threats and protests, you round the side of the castle and come to the path. You trot quickly down it. You're racing the sun, and you know it. It's a long trail to walk. The light fades, and you don't know how far you've gone. Bats flit above your head in the semi-dark. Paranoid, you shift your grip on the stake. You round another corner and see the town spread out in front of you. You've made it!

You walk through the dark streets until you reach the inn. You knock on the door. Herr Gauman opens it a crack. When he sees it's you, he lets you in. He gives you a once-over, eyes lingering on the stake.

"I'm glad you're back" he says. "We were worried after you didn't come back with Hans."

You're not in the mood for talking. "Yeah. It's been a rough day." With that, you go up to your room. You're exhasuted, but you can only toss and turn. Some time around midnight, you hear a tapping at your window. You bolt upright. A huge bat is beating itself against the window. It tries for another minute to get in, then flaps away. That's it for sleeping. You spend the rest of the night awake, thinking.

In the morning, you visit Hans. He opens his door, obviously pleased to see you.

"I lost your cross." you start, "Sorry. Thank you for lending it to me. It helped."

"If you're okay, it's worth it." he leans in. "What did you see up there?"

"I don't want to talk about it, but I need to leave town."

You negotiate a rate for him to drive you to the nearest city. From 80 miles away, you feel much more secure. Your first purchase is a crucifix similar to the one you lost in castle von Furchstam. No bats bother you that night, and you feel considerably more secure. After all you've been through, all you want is to go home. You don't know how you'd explain your abandonment of the case to your boss, though.

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