Politely refuse and ask the nearby officer for your phone call

From Create Your Own Story

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The police officer shrugs and hands you the phone. Thinking fast, you decide to call your own phone number. Logically, it should belong to the Ape-Universe version of you. If your ape-self is as polite and helpful as you are, perhaps you'll gain an ally?

The phone rings four times, and you start to panic. Finally, you get an answer.

"Hello?" says the voice.

"Hi..." you say. You ask to speak with yourself.

"That's me...what's up? Who is this?" asks Ape-You.

You quickly explain the situation to Ape-You. You can hear him stifle a laugh. "Oh gosh, again, huh?" Ape-You says. Ape-You explains how other versions of yourself had been calling him all week. "Just wait two seconds," Ape-You says, "I'll be right there."

Ape-You arrives, pays for your bail, and escorts you into his Porsche Boxster. Climbing into the driver's seat, Ape-You waits for you to buckle your seat belt, and then you are off.

"See, our universe doesn't have anything like the TOC you belong to. In this universe, I...er...you...well, we inherited a large amount of money from my...er...our grandfather. He founded Travicom, you see."

Noting the confused look on your face, Ape-You explains. "It's a telecommunications conglomerate. Analogous to your Time-Warner, I believe."

You nod. You've heard of them. Soon, Ape-You pulls up in front of a mansion and parks in the driveway. As you exit the vehicle, Ape-You makes some suggestions of what you could do next:

I have an extensive DVD collection, including the complete 5th season of Firefly

"On the other hand," Ape-You explains, "many of your alternate versions are sitting in the lounge trading stories."


"I believe one or two of them mentioned a portal nearby, as well." You check the MPS. Sure enough, Portal 13 is nearby.

Portal 13

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