Enter the captain's room
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 16:16, 23 June 2009
While the interior of the Drakenhof is generally austere and in disrepair, the captain's room is large and very well furnished. You see exotic tapestries, beautiful paintings, a gold-and-crystal chandelier, many strange instruments and lots of thick books. This says a lot about the captain: obviously he is a wealthy and refined intellectual, possibly a nobleman or a merchant. The room conspicuously lacks a bed.
You inspect the room, and your eyes fall on an old and battered book lying on a table. The cover is made of hard leather and depicts a grinning human skull. Even in the dark, you can read the title well enough: Liber Mortis. The Book of the Dead. From your mysterious past, you recall that possession of this heretical book is punishable by death in the Empire. Almost all copies have been burned by the Witch Hunters centuries ago, but a few still circulate. They are used by necromancers, evil wizards who use their unholy powers to wake the dead. You are not too surprised to find a tome of necromancy aboard a ship called the Drakenhof. You feel a strange, almost instinctive compulsion to destroy this vile book, but maybe you should instead take it with you and decide later what to do with it. If you are undecided, you may just leave it where it is and get out of this room.