Luis Sera (RE4)
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 14:47, 17 September 2008
You are Luis Sera an researcher hired by Osmund Saddler to develop an cure against the Las Plagas, well that is at least what he told you... A few days ago you discovered an message from Raymondo Salazar to Saddler that contained evidence that they wasn't looking for an cure but instead was trying to make it impossible to reverse the infection progress. You tried to contact a friend of yours in the USA and ask for help ut instead an answer from him you got an proposal from an unknown woman who said that if you could bring her an queen plaga sample she would help you get out of there. You had just sent the answer to her when several gandos rushed into the room and captured you. And here have you been since, in this cold godforsaken cell deep below the Salazar Castle. You have spent the last three days preapering your escape by trying to ¨wiggle¨ some stones lose up in the left side of the cell (becuse the cell next to yours has no door for some reason) and now you are finaly ready to flee. You just have to get to the storage room and retrive your items and then you can escape. But you must flee at the right moment or you will have the entire castle after you in secounds. You can either go now or after the guard has brought you your food (if you can call it that).
What do you do?