P2-accept second treatment

From Create Your Own Story

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You obligingly lie down and let them do what they will. This time, there is less pain. At the end of it all, you feel like a baloon as they fill you with a chemical and streatch you into as large a ball as they can. Just when you're about to burst they release you and you coat the tiled floor with their blue compound.
"He's ready. Take him to the filter complex." They slip you into a large tube and roll you away. He? You're a male? Have you always been a male? Do your parents know you're a male? (lol, comic relief from 6th grade.)
When you arive at the "complex" you see lots of clear spheres with so many tubes protruding from them that the contants are impossible to see. You also notice that a slow-moving black and green sludge oozes gradually through the largest tube, and then a few minets later a bluish substance shoots through the other tubes.
Once you stop, a clear sphere with plenty of slots for tubes waitng to recieve you. Next you are dumped inside. You take the oppertunity to examine your new body. You now resmeble a large orange baloon with a neckless head. You do appear male below the waist, but were you always? ^^
As soon as they clip your sphere in place you begin to feel uneasy. They then connect tupes to every port and leave. You sit there wondering what will happen, and then the biggest tube slides toward your face. It presses hard against your mouth until you reluctantly open it. The tube forces its way into your throat painfully. Other tubes move towards you and suspend you in the canter of the sphere. Another slides over your wang, and another up what you might call a postierior, but its quite different then a human one.
You wait in pain for something to happen. Eventually, you see the disgusting black ooze ceeping down into your mouth-tube. As soon as it enters you, overwhelming pain hits you. Dread and a feeling like death accompany the pain as you swell until you almost touch the edges of your new prison. Several miuets later, the tubes on your wang and butt begin to suck out a blue liquid and pump it away painfully. You realize as the next batch of ooze approaches you that they use you and the other creaturs in these spheres as filters for all of their waste.
Health is: filtering the chemical waste and sewage of an entier facility. Body is:

An orage ballon that filters waste.

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