...while she's baking

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to turn her whilst she is performing her favourite task: baking. After all, Jessica's baked goods are renown throughout the neighbourhood, being a featured staple at most local church fates and even the occasional farmers market.

An opportunity soon arises. Whilst Vincent is at work, Jessica announces that she needs the kitchen to bake one of her latest recipes; a chocolate-caramel bar, so both you and Valerie are to stay out. Luckily for you, it requires everything you'll need in order to break her.

"Ooh, let me help!" says Valerie, already trying to heave herself off the couch.

"Please, don't exhaust yourself dear," replies Jessica. "You just lay there and rest."

"But how else am I going to learn to cook as good as you if I don't learn? Besides, I'm so bored. Please?"

"Okay then Val," your mother relents. "But I want you away from the oven. I don't want you burning yourself."

As Jessica helps Valerie waddle over to the kitchen, Valerie gives you a knowing smirk. She knows the plan.

Everything goes smoothly at first, both for Jessica and you. As Jess and Val work on the base of the bar, you manage to slip into the kitchen whilst Jess is distracted by Val and steal the milk and cream. Before discarding of the containers, you enjoy their contents, slurping down the creamy milk and the thickened cream. After all, you'll need a lot of liquids for what comes next.

After removing the base from the oven and allowing it to cool. Val and Jess attempt to move onto the chocolate mixture.

"Where's the milk?" asks Jessica. "I thought you got it out of the fridge?"

"No," replies Valerie. "I didn't know this recipe used milk."

"It was on the recipe card I made," says Jessica before turning to the fridge. "It's okay. I'll grab it myself. You just keep whipping the melted chocolate with the butter."

With Jessica's back turned, you step into Valerie's view and silently disrobe. While the sight of your cock gets Valerie wet, she remains quiet as you move into place. However, your quickly forced to hide behind the counter when Jess unexpected turns out of the fridge.

"Where is that milk? I only bought it the other day..."

"Umm... I think I saw Dad put it on the bottom shelf near the back," Valerie says. Damn, she's a smart one. Not only did she come up with a reason to get Jessica back in the fridge, but now she'll be even more exposed. That sexy minx...

As Jessica pokes her head back into the fridge, you emerge from your spot behind the counter and move into position. Giving Valerie the signal, she stays the show.

"Mom, you're taking too long! I'll just use my breast milk."

"WHAT?!" Jessica responds, attempting to remove herself from the fridge, only to be grabbed by your waiting hands then impaled on your massive cock. "OOOOooooo...!!" she moans, before you thrust her back into the fridge. "Brandon? What... are... you... doing?!"

"Just trying out a new dessert," you reply, continuing your thrusting as you re-arrange her inners to better suit your enormous cock.

"No..." Jessica moans out between thrusts. "You'll...ruin... IT!"

As you look back at Valerie, you do indeed see her squeezing her breasts, releasing several streams of milk from her swollen nipples into the chocolate-covered mixing bowl. After seemingly self-measuring the amount needed, she starts mixing the milk into the chocolatey batter. "But Mom," she says. "There are so many nutrients in breast milk! We have to make sure the customers are eating healthy!"

"WhAt?!" Jessica says, her tone getting more erratic as you increase the speed. "We CaN't SeLL ThEm! WhAt wIll PeOple tHiNk oF uS?"

You lean down as much as you can in an attempt to whisper into her ear. "Can you imagine it, Mom? All those people? Eating cookies laced with your daughter's breast milk? Who knows? They might like it more than your other recipes..." Jessica unleashes unleash a orgasmic torrent of liquid all over you, covering your midsection her juices. "Maybe we can add that too..."

As you keep Jessica trapped in the fridge on your cock, Valerie is continuing the baking. With her finishing the chocolate mix, she starts on the caramel. "Hey Brandon? You have any cream?" she asks you.

"Almost," you respond. "Just another minute or two..."

If Jessica was panicking before, she was in hysterics now. "No..." she wheezed out. "Please...no..."

"Well, I gotta put it somewhere. It's either in the bowl or in you. Your call."

As Jessica's brain tries to comprehend what you've asked her, you feel the signs of your body's incoming release.

"Here it comes! Bowl it is!" you say, as you try to withdraw from Jessica, only to have her legs wrap around you.

"Wait! In me! I can still save it! Do it in me!!" she cries, sacrificing her own sweet treat in a last-ditch attempt to save her sweet creation.

"If...you're... SURE!!" as you unleash an explosion of cum inside her. You feel Jessica tensing as her body at first accepts you demonic batter into her baby oven. Although you can't see her face, you can hear her moans.

However, those moans soon turn to groans as her womb is soon completely full of your seed yet you are unrelenting. You continue to pour more and more cum into her, expanding her womb until it looks like she's already a few months pregnant herself. You feel yourself begin to trickle off but you can feel the cum pressure building up as it starts trying to move past your cock tip. Once you unplug, she's going be a hose.

"Looks like she can't contain it, Val. Get the bowl."

Already so full, Jessica can barely mutter a whimper as Valerie moves the bowl under the pair of you. As you remove yourself from Jessica, a torrent of cum and juice pours out of her and into the caramel bowl, though less than you were expecting. Seems she can be useful for something...

Once the flowing stops, you release your grip on Jessica, letting her flop to the floor, a mind-shattered mess, her now-visible face twisted into a mark of pure pleasure. Whilst she lies there, you and Valerie complete your cum-infused treats.

As they finish cooling, you grab one and hold it in front of Jessica.

"Want the first bite?" you ask as you hold it close to her mouth.

She has another orgasm, spreading more cum on the floor, before feebly taking a bite. After a few seconds, she opens her mouth and mumbles "...delicious."

It's official. You've broken Jessica.

"So 'brother'," says Valerie. "Where are we selling our tasty treats?"

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy with large-apple-sized balls and a 12-inch cock
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