Family Ties- give him a blowjob

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Jacob scratches his chin with his index finger as he looks at you, seemingly wondering if he should really takes your offer. After about a minute of deliberation, he finally speaks to you somewhat unsurely, "Well... can you... umm... give me a blowjob?"

You tilts your head slightly to the side in response, not quite understanding what he means, "What's a blowjob? Will it really help?"

Jacob nods strongly at you as he answered back, "Absolutely, and it's very easy too. Come on, I'll teach you. First, you need to get down in front of me...."

You nods back as you gets down from your seat and kneels in front of Jacob, right between his spread legs. Instantly, you notices that you're now eye level with his erection right in front of your face. You raises your head slightly to look at Jacob as you waits for the next instruction.

Jacob grins in satisfaction as looks at you before he grabs your hands and wraps your fingers around his dick. You nearly yelps in surprise as you feels the hot meat rod pulsating under your hands as if it is alive. While you're fascinated by the thing, Jacobs gives you the next instruction, "Now, you have to move your hands up and down my dick. Don't grip it too hard but don't let it go either, just move your hands slowly for now...."

Again, you follows his instruction and begins moving your hands up and down the length. You never really sees anyone's dick before but you think that Jacob's might be quite large for his age. Afterall, it is still longer than both your hands gripping it together.

As you moves your hands back and forth, you hears Jacob groaning with low sound as if he's holding back something. On the other hand, you also feels that the thing in your grip is getting hotter, harder and bigger the more you rubs it. Moreover, somekind of thin, clear liquid comes out of the tiny hole at the tip.

Suddenly, you hear Jacob speaking to you again, "Okay, that's enough. You can let go of it, now."

You slowly lets go of his dick, feeling somewhat disappointed as you thinks to yourself, 'that's it? that's so boring...'

However, soon you feels Jacob gripping the side of your head with both hands before pulling your face closer to his dick. You looks up at him for explanation but he simply grins as he speaks to you, "Open your mouth."

As you obediently opens your mouth despite the questions you're having, Jacob releases one of his hands from your head and wraps it around his dick. At the same time, his other hand pulls your face even closer to his dick until the tip is touching your lips. You hears Jacob's voice from above you as he speaks again, "Put it in your mouth and lick it. Just pretend that it's a lolipop... but don't bite on it."

Finally, you understands what he means by "Blowjob" and immediately you considers stopping right there, afterall putting his pee-pee inside your mouth feels a little gross. However, another part of you, the more dominant one, is saying that since you've gone so far, might as well finish it... besides your purpose was to bond with Jacob to begin with. Therefore, you slowly inserts the meat rod into your mouth with Jacob helping you by guiding it inside.

Soon enough, you has most of the thing in your mouth and you begins to lick on it as instructed. The thing inside you feels warm inside your mouth and the liquid coming out of the tip was a little salty but it isn't so bad.

Before you knows it, instinct takes over as you begins to suck on it on top of licking it, causing Jacob to groan in pleasure. In fact, you feels that Jacob has also started to move his hips back and forth while matching the timing of your sucking and licking. In response, you also bops your head back and forth to match the timing, causing him to groan even louder.

After what feels like a long time, your jaw is starting to get tired from being kept open for too long but Jacob's hands holding your head prevents you from pulling out. In fact, the hands keeps forcing you to move faster and stronger while Jacob's groans grows stronger and more rapid.

Finally, you feels Jacob pulls you strongly, nearly causing you to gag as his dick nearly goes down all the way to your throat. Before you manages to make a protesting sound, you feels Jacob groans loudly as something thick, sticky, hot and bitter is filling your mouth copiously.

This time you really gags from the unexpected taste but Jacob's hands forces you in place until he finishes ejaculating. The dick in your mouth prevents you from gagging but at the same time, it also forces more cum into your mouth than it's capable of containing. Left with no other choice, you instinctively forced to swallow it.

It is nearly a minute later before Jacob finally releases his grip on your head and you waste no time pulling the dick out of your mouth. You glares at him as you tries to wipe the cum dribbling out of your mouth with your hands. However, some of the cum drips on your clothes, leaving a stain on it.

Jacob on the other hand grins at you as he speaks, "What? Come on, it can't be that bad. I've seen girls enjoying it."

You still glares at him but has to admit that it really wasn't that bad. It was more... unexpected than anything else, really.

So, what next?

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