Refuse to enter the underground ruin

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 20:36, 19 November 2016

"But what about any traps we find?" You ask.

"Oh, please. This place is hundreds of years old. Any traps set would have either been triggered by a foolish person or decayed and unable to work. We'll be fine!" She tells you.

You think for a moment. "No. I'm sorry, I won't do it." You conclude. "It's too dangerous. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Touched by your concern, Koti complies with your decision. "Fine," she grumbles, "but you owe me.

Koti's sweet moans of pleasure emit above you. Your large tits envelope her dick, the tip being licked by your tongue. You sit back on a rock with your eyes closed while Koti stands in front of you, her hands softly touching your hair. Your breasts are covered in cum from her repeated orgasms. This is your way to mkae up to her, and you definitely are. She thrusts eagerly into your tits and mouth, savoring every second.

Then, suddenly, she stops. You open your eyes and find that she is nowhere to be found. Perplexed, you stand up. "Koti?" You call, "where the hell do you go?" It's not like her to suddenly stop fucking. You walk around your campsite, look for her, but find nothing. You start to worry. Did she decide to abandon me in the mindle of sex? You wonder. No, she would have at least fucked my brains out before she did. Suddenly, you here rustling in the tall grasses near you. "Koti? Come on, no more games!"

Walking towards the noise, you scream. Koti's body lies bloodied, her throats ripped out. Claw marks cover her naked body. Saber-tooth tiger! You mind frantically concludes. You look around and spot glowing eyes within the grass, staring at you hungrily.

You sprint. But the large cat is much faster. It leaps over Koti's corpse, bounding towards you. It's bloodied claws sliding into you back, pushing yo to the ground. Your arms mean little resistance as its large teeth sinking into your soft neck. You try to force the tiger off you as your blood fills your throat, but to no avail. Your arms fall to the ground as your body gives away.

The cat let goes of your throat, admiring its kill. The two Amazolans will feed it week this week. It drangs the bodies back to its cave, only a short distance for the campfire they had. It licks its long teeth and eagerly digs in



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