
From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 22:50, 2 April 2008

My name is Josh, but my online handle is Zinger2099. I am a writer, and hopefully one day, a film director. I have been a fan of the Choose Your Own Adventure novels since I was a young boy. The very concept of being able to choose the course of action to be taken and directly affect the events to come was monumental in my young mind. They provided more entertainment then regular books, movies and video games combined. Granted, at the time, video games consisted of Atari, but still. Nowadays I get my CYOA fix by playing Dungeons & Dragons, which really takes the concept to a whole new level. But I still have very fond memories of those books I read as a child. So naturally, when I was searching on google for these books, and I came across this website, I was thrilled. I think the Wiki format is a great way to tell Choose Your Own Adventure stories, and I plan to put it to good use. Feedback is always apreciated and if you'd like to get ahold of me, my email is I hope you enjoy my own brand of Choose Your Own Adventures!

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