Get your money first.

From Create Your Own Story

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Letting Nya finish up what she is doing she goes off to shower and change clothes, you would bathe as well but your sure that after last night your more than clean enough down there. Sitting around you think how you will go about seeing if your insurance has finally paid off; you can't call them, or check your E-mails, if someone is looking for you they will take every means to find you.

"You could go back to the library and do it there, set up another IP and try to set up a meeting... but there are risks. As soon as my name comes up they will be all over me...."

Searching up locations of the Silicon Service Insurance you find that the nearest one is actually in D.C, its not a long trip from here but if they end up not having your money you'll be stuck in D.C until favor comes your way.... D.C is more corrupt these days than it was in the past, while tourists still go there its not nearly as popular as it was 5 years ago, never go alone, never go out at night and never go off the main streets.

Coming out of the shower Nya flops her warm body onto your lap with a sigh. Scratching her behind the ears she purrs quietly as you plan out the day, already you can feel her rubbing her elbow against your crotch as it grows stiff but you speak up.

"I do like it, but you don't have to do it all the time you know." You inform her. Stopping for a moment she continues once again with a small laugh before she stops.

"You tease."

Being out on the road with a mission feels good, you have a plan and you're going to see it through to the end. First get whatever you can and then head south to Indian Head, hopefully its not a trap but you don't plan on bring Nya with you when you visit Indian head.

You've never been this far up the east coast before and you have to say its nice country, hilly and full of trees in every direction you can see, but soon enough it begins to thin out as buildings replace the wooded lands. Nya seems interested enough to just look out the window at the passing cars and buildings, pointing out things that call her attention as you name them off one by one.

Arriving outside of the Insurance building you back your car into a parking spot, if you need to get away at least you'll be facing towards the street.

Entering the building your greeted with a warm blast of air from their heater, its a nice change from the brewing arctic chill of the winter season; so far you haven't seen a flake of snow but its only time till it happens.

"Welcome to Silicon Service Insurance. My name is Marget, how can we help you today."

"I'm here to claim my settlement from a fire destroying my home."

"Ok sir, very sorry to hear that. If you wouldn't mind filling out some information I can check and see about your claim." She responds handing you a stack of paperwork the thickness of your hand.

"Right...." You sigh sadly taking the paperwork.

Prancing around the awaiting room Nya seems to be having a good time but you can't have her dancing around in such a place. Taking a hold of her hand you take a seat and she sits down next to you. Looking your face over Nya can see the bummed out state your in but isn't sure why. Placing her hand on your crotch you glance around in a pain to see if anyone saw but your in the clear.

"Not in public Nya." You speak in a raised hush leaving Nya confused but she quickly moves onto something else letting you work on the information. It takes you about an hour on constant writing to fill all the pages out and your hand feels as though its going to fall off but you finish. Handing over the paper work the lady goes over it for a few minutes.

"Oooook sir. Well you received ten percent of the over all settlement during the first part of the investigation. But I have a few follow up questions." She speaks as you sigh softly hoping to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Ok sir. After the investigation is was revealed that you were not at your residence, in the police statement you stated that you were out with a friend. Is this correct?"

"Yes my-" Your eyes wander over to where Nya was laying down on a series of chairs and rolling back and forth slightly.

"My girl friend was in town, so I-"

"It was a yes or no sir. Alright well we just wanted to double check. We can wire the rest of your settlement into your bank account we have on record-"

"No! I mean no, if you have cash that will be fine." You quickly change your tone but you can tell the woman is curious now.

"Sir, we don't carry that amount of money in anyone place at a time. I however can write you a check for a direct withdraw from our account." She leans back in the chair with curiosity in her face.

One check deposit later you find yourself with more money that you have ever seen, and your not quite sure what to do it with but whatever that is you'll need to figure out later; whoever is trying to find you will certainly have notice your service with the insurance agency. Getting onto the interstate you floor the gas, without stops you head south from D.C towards Indian head. The trip is shorter than it was to get here but driving all day and piles of paperwork leave you tired; the long trips across the country seemed to have worn you down some.

The sun sets shorty after you find yourself in the parking lot of another hotel, its about the same as the rest you have visited but your joyed at the thought of getting some rest; back on the road you swore someone was following nearly giving you a heart attack but after awhile they simply took a off ramp and left your sight but it was enough to keep you on edge the rest of the way here.

Entering the room you drop your bags, all but the large black one filled with thousands of dollars; you know its not a good idea to carry so much around with you but the thought of opening a bank account would only draw prying eyes. Hiding the black bag in the closet under the rest of your stuff you sit on the edge of the bed to think of what to do next.

You have the address of the house, and even though its late people like him- like you tend to say up later than most, you're sure hes online discussing government theories. Of course you could always rest for the night, you are pretty tired and could use some rest.

Do you:

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