Have a shower in an attempt to cool down

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Current revision as of 21:08, 9 September 2013

Perhaps a shower will help you cool of you think to yourself. You rush into Bathroom and turn the shower on. You get in and the water cascades down you. The water however doesn't help and instead you get hornier as you start to daydream. Your mind fills with images of your brothers surrounding you naked as you are. The fantasy starts of as they always do. They take your clothes of and begin to kiss you all over. Suddenly Jack bites at your neck the pain fills you with more lust. This wasn't usual in your dreams they were kind to you polite even, but now they were domineering practically man handling you. Biting at your nipples and pussy, slapping your ass forcing themselves into your mother and pussy, this is the most intense fantasy you have had and you are the horniest you have ever been. The more they dominate you the hotter you get, the hotter you get the faster you masturbate, the more you masturbate the louder you moan oblivious to the world around you. You practically scream as you climax your pussy tightening around your fingers. You go weak in the legs and you fall out the shower as you do you see Jamie in the door way mouth agape, yellow towel in hand, a clear bulge in his jogging bottoms. You hit the ground with a thump muffled by the shower curtain wrapped around. The muffled thump causes jamie to jump and he runs to you. Unwrapping the shower curtain from you. He starts to speak to you but you are distracted by the tent he is supporting. "Emmi... Emmi" he shouts, your face snaps up to look at him " are you okay" he says quietly. You um and ah and tremble at his touch. He is holding you by the arms his hands close to your breast. You are oddly aware that his hands are very soft. Artist hands your dad calls them. Unlike the other he doesn't work at the garage jack owns. He paints and writes and wants to go to university. You see desperation in his eyes but also anger. " what were you doing" he suddenly shouts. You are taken back by the anger in his voice but are turned on by it as well. "I come upstairs to give you your towel and i can her you shouting my name as well as the others and then i open the door and you were... i don't know what you were doing" he stares at you sternly and you shiver all over " my god, you were masturbating.. over your brothers." He said the last bit in a whisper.

"well you were clearly enjoying it as well weren't you" you say defensively whilst pointing at his bulge. He starts to stutter and you stand up hooking your hands over his bottoms. He stares at you wide eyed. He grabs your right hand in a tight vice.

" Let go of me" you whisper back at him trying to hide how frightened you are " your just as bad as me, get aroused by your little sister, you dirty pervert" his hand tightens around your wrist. And you start to slowly pull his joggings down. He yanks at your arm causing you to come closer to him. You react in kind and yank his bottoms down realising his rigid cock. Then you clasp your lips around his in a passionate kiss. His tongue probing your mouth. You work your hand around his cock and start to work it up an down. he grabs your ass and gives it a playful slap.

"harder" you goad him. He slaps again slightly harder this time. "please, harder" you beg him, he brings his hand down quick as a whip. Much harder than last time but not enough. "harder" you practically sob. He slaps his hand down again harder this time. The stinging brings you even more pleasure than your used to. You pull your hand away from him and caress his jaw. "thank you" you say breathlessly.

Look Emmi what we just did was wrong" his voice giving away the fact that he doesn't care. You eyes fill with tears " please Jamie i need more, please, other guys won't be enough i need it to be rough" "what" he spits " is that why you wanted me to spank you, is that what you want us to do. You want us to dominate you" He stresses the word dominate and you nod without needing to think. He grabs your wrist again and starts to put his joggings back on which was quite difficult due to his erect dick. After a slight struggle he starts to drag you out of the bathroom still naked.

He drags you down the stairs and into the kitchen. The twins are gone but Jack was still there. He looked up and was aghast at your nakedness.

" what are you doing jamie" he shouts " i demand an answer KNOW".

" i think Emmi should explain this" he lets go of your arm and drags you forward by the ass. Jack is still startled but has regained some of his sense enough to try and not look all over your body. At your a-cup tits, your tight pussy, your firm ass.

" i .. um .. i" you stammer. Jack looks at you trying to be stern. " i tried to have sex with Jamie" the words fall out your mouth like water. "What" he says shocked. "oh that's not the best bit" Jamie says slyly. "Not the best bit, NOT THE BEST BIT, Do you have any idea what you have done Emmi.. your gonna tear this family apart, i'm gonna have to ring dad about this, tell him what you've done." he starts to hit his forehead with the palm of his hand " how on earth will i have that conversation with him, how to start this is beyond me. Look Emmi just tell me what jamies on about i need to know everything" The whole story" With that the words started to tumble out of you, bit after bit you told him everything. From the dreams to the shower , from breakfast until now. Jack sat at the table with jamie. When i tried to sit down he refused me. The twins looked through the kitchen door trying to catch a glimpse of their sister in trouble like little children. Only when they saw you naked did they stop giggling. Jack suddenly stood up body all tense. "Will, Mark get in here" He spoke with incredible authority. They walked in one by one. Both eyeing me without much attempt to hide it. they sat down. It was like some sort of weird audition. Me behind the table being questioned by them. "It seems Emmi here has some pretty twisted views about what she likes" He paused to stare at everyone " specifically us and what she wants us to do" The twins fidgeted uneasily. Jamie and Jack remained perfectly still. Jack gestured for you to speak "i.. i want you to hurt me. i want to submit to you" The twins looked aghast. Jamie smiled. Jack stares a you with such intent, it was like you belonged to him and them completely. " after some long time thinking and discussing with jamie i have come to the realisation that she needs to be satisfied" he paused and looked at the twins from the corner of his eyes. " if not things in this house are going to get worse today being a prime example " he turns to glare at jamie "not only that but what she wants i don't trust any man to give her safely and frankly she is good looking" he pause for a long time waiting for objections but none come " so we need some rules 1st you are ours, if we are going to do this it will be done properly which means you will do as we say and only what we say, if you disobey you will have to be punished if you obey you will be rewarded 2 no other guy will be involved with you, EVER it is use or nothing understand. 3 you will tell nobody of this understand, it is up to us to decide who does and doesn't know understand" He looks at me and i nod "good" "I think i will interject" it was mark " i think their should be other rules namely contraception, if we do this i am not wearing a condom and i don't think it will be a good idea for Emmi to get pregnant " will murmured to that " lastly the person she disobeys or obeys decides her reward if however others disagree with it then we have a vote" Jack coughs to get everyones attention " we all agree then" he turned and looked at you giving a wink. " so are you up for this then"



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