ST2: Look for fuel

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Revision as of 10:27, 5 September 2011

You leave the car and begin the search for fuel. Looking for mainly gas stations or hardware stores. This area has alot of shops in it, so it should be easy to find one, but it takes longer than expected, and now the tornado has closed the gap and is close to swallowing your car.

You begin to run back, but it is too late. As you sprint frantically towards your beloved car, it gets sucked inside and away from you and into the wretched tornado. You pause, and fall to your knees in the middle of the road. How are you going to escape now?

Suddenly you hear a voice behind you. You spin awkwardly around to find a man peeking out of one of the boarded up shops.

"Quick! Come in!" The man shouts, "Or do you want to be sucked in by the tornado?"

You promptly agree and sprint into the mans shop. As you jump in, he slams the boarded up door shut. You take a look at your surroundings, it's a candy shop! Though, most of the delicious candy has been moved or boxed up. You thank the man and ask for his name.

"It's Kardon, it's a bit of a weird name, but it makes me stand out from all the other lame names like 'Daniel', or 'David'."

You notice that the wind outside is getting stronger and louder. You take a peek out of one of the gaps of the boards to see that the tornado is indeed very close to the shop. You begin to become scared. The tornado might crash into the store, and kill you both.

"Don't worry about this tornado," Kardon says calmingly," I'm sure that it won't hit this place, it's a candy store, everyone loves candy!"

Even with the reassurance of Kardon, you have second thoughts about staying here.

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