Girl Scout Camp/Someone is standing behind you

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"None of your business," Ellen says curtly to Rachel.
"None of your business," Ellen says curtly to Rachel.
Rachel turns to you now.  "Did you make a deal with Ellen?  Is that why you... why you called the match the way you did?"
Ellen laughs.  "No, we didn't make a deal.  Although I understand you tried to."  Rachel turns a little red at that statement.  "He called the match the way he did because I beat you fair and square."
"Then why are you talking to him now?"  Rachel asks, putting her hands on her hips.  "It looks kind of suspicious, don't you think?"
Ellen looks at you, smiling mischievously.  "Well, it should," she says.  "I was thinking about giving him a naughty little reward for being so good about refereeing our match so fairly."
Your cock twitches at her words and the way she says that.  Rachel's face turns a little redder.
"You what?"  She says, looking angrier.
"Use your imagination," Ellen says causally.  "You'll have to, since you've never actually done anything like that in your life."  She runs her hands lightly over the front of your shorts.  "You were going to reward him for cheating, so it's only fair that I reward him for not cheating."  She rubs your cock through your shorts a little more insistently now.  "I mean, he could have cheated so easily, and helped you win, if he actually found you attractive.  But you just weren't interesting enough a prize for him."
[[Category: Girl Scout Camp| Girl Scout Camp]]
[[Category: Girl Scout Camp| Girl Scout Camp]]

Revision as of 08:33, 21 December 2013

As you put the last of the things into the shed, you realize someone is behind you. As you turn around, you see that it's Ellen, Rachel's nemesis.

"Something I can help you with?" You ask.

"I saw you talking to Rachel before the match," Ellen says, smiling demurely.

"Yes," you reply cautiously. "She had a question about the rules."

"Really?" Ellen says. "I think she was trying to bribe you to get you to call the match in her favor."

The look on your face is enough to convince her she was right, and to make her laugh a little. "Oh, I knew it! I bet she offered to let you sleep with her if you helped her win."

"She didn't really specify what she would do," you say, shrugging a little. "Just that she would be very appreciative."

Ellen looks at you curiously. "And yet you called the match fairly. Or at least tried to. I didn't agree with every call, but in the end I won, like I should have." She cocks her head at you inquisitively. "So you don't like having sex with young girls, like Rachel." She smiles a little. "Or me?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that," you admit. "But it wouldn't have been fair to your team if I let Rachel's team win the game by making some bad calls."

"I see," Ellen says thoughtfully, a slight smile on her face. "That's very honest of you. To call the match fairly, that is, despite what Rachel may have been willing to give you." Her smile turns a little mischievous. "And it's also very honest if you to say that you like having sex with girls like me."

Your heart beats a little faster. "Is there a reward for being so virtuous?" you ask Ellen playfully.

Ellen looks a little coy. "Isn't virtue it's own reward?" She asks innocently. Then she laughs at your obvious disappointment. "Although maybe an exception could be made in this ca-"

"What are you two doing?" Someone says from off to the side. It's Rachel, looking angrily at Ellen as the two of you turn to look at her.

"None of your business," Ellen says curtly to Rachel.

Rachel turns to you now. "Did you make a deal with Ellen? Is that why you... why you called the match the way you did?"

Ellen laughs. "No, we didn't make a deal. Although I understand you tried to." Rachel turns a little red at that statement. "He called the match the way he did because I beat you fair and square."

"Then why are you talking to him now?" Rachel asks, putting her hands on her hips. "It looks kind of suspicious, don't you think?"

Ellen looks at you, smiling mischievously. "Well, it should," she says. "I was thinking about giving him a naughty little reward for being so good about refereeing our match so fairly."

Your cock twitches at her words and the way she says that. Rachel's face turns a little redder.

"You what?" She says, looking angrier.

"Use your imagination," Ellen says causally. "You'll have to, since you've never actually done anything like that in your life." She runs her hands lightly over the front of your shorts. "You were going to reward him for cheating, so it's only fair that I reward him for not cheating." She rubs your cock through your shorts a little more insistently now. "I mean, he could have cheated so easily, and helped you win, if he actually found you attractive. But you just weren't interesting enough a prize for him."

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