Ramona's Virtual Adventure

From Create Your Own Story

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Anne gives you a big smile. "Great! Now lets get you hooked up in Trisha's machine." You are a little nervous as you get strapped in and get the sensors put on you but the excitment drowns it all out. Finally Anne throws three dvds infront of you. "So which one will it be? Jungle Adventure, Medieval Castle Rescue, or Club Inferno?"
Anne gives you a big smile. "Great! Now lets get you hooked up in Trisha's machine." You are a little nervous as you get strapped in and get the sensors put on you but the excitment drowns it all out. Finally Anne throws three dvds infront of you. "So which one will it be? Jungle Adventure, Medieval Castle Rescue, or Club Inferno?"
You make your selection and Anne pops your choice into the machine and everything starts humming. She gives you an encouraging smile then closes the door on you. "Enjoy!"
At first it seems as if your dreaming but suddenly your jerked awake but not into the real world. You're in a white room in your own virtual world. Absolutely amazed you look down over yourself getting a feel for it. Everything looks and feels absolutely real as if you were there! Then your adventure starts to load.

Revision as of 02:12, 24 September 2010

Ramona's Virtual Adventure

You are this girl,[1] Ramona Flowers. You are a hot young girl around the age of 22 with a lot going for yourself. You are always the life of the party and have gone through quite the number of boyfriends. Right now you are single however and quite frankly your starting to get bored of the whole party scene. While you're typically the most popular girl at any spot you find yourself searching for something more.

This leads you of course to the new mall which opened up in your current town. It has the most up to date and technologic stuff around, supposedly imported partially from Japan. You are excited about it and find yourself walking in one day around noon to check it out. You are wearing a short tight and black jean skirt with tall socks and some standard tennis shoes. You are also wearing a nice casual button up pink long sleeve shirt. You of course have on a nice comfortable pink bra underneath with matching pink panties.

You have quite an amazing body, which you attribute to part of your success with guys and the club/party life. Being more intelligent than the average girl you don't particurally dress as revealing as most girls with your type of body. The pink shirt shows you have a very nice rack but it doesn't come close to showing any cleavage. The skirt is short and tight but it is too thick to reveal much and too tight to likely give anyone a glimpse.

That is how you walk into the mall. It is very intriguing, with automated carts to carry you around with top of the line televisions plastered all around the store. Bright lights hit you from every direction as television advertising is going off above just about every store. You figure you are in for a treat. You couldn't be more right.

After doing a small amount of shopping actually managing to not buy very much you come across a shop that instantly takes in your full and undivided attention. Above the store in bright flashing lights displayed across the screen reads: "Virtual Sexual Adventures!". Awestruck by such a blatant advertising for sex in a public venue you watch on as the screen changed. "Come in and enjoy a completely private and completely stunning sexual adventure. See one of our sales representatives to learn more! You don't want to miss this!"

More than a little amazed you decide you have to give this place a look and walk into the store. Strangely you find yourself not the slightest bit embaressed. You are immediately taken aback by what you see. It resembles a movie shop with rows and rows of what looks like dvds lined up like a Movie Tavern. People are walking around browseing them as if that were the case. In the center of the room there is a large metal machine which is labeled "Virtual Reality Machine" across its front. It looks big enough to fit into. Then you hear a voice from behind you.

"Hello, can I help you ma'am?"

Turning around you blink as you see a sales representative giving you a big smile. You give him a small nervous smill in return. "Hi. What exactly is this place?"

"Ah, we get that a lot. I'd be glad to show you." The man starts walking and you follow him and before you know it you are standing infront of the virtual reality machine. "This is what makes the magic. Essentially, our customers are put into one of our many virtual reality machines in the back and are taken on the biggest sexual adventure of their lives."

You cross your arms skeptically. "The biggest?"

The sales representative just smiles. "The biggest garunteed. Every single customer that has tried our machines has agreed with that statement. It is the biggest and best sexual experience you can find. What we do it plug you into the machine with a few sensors placed around your body including a small visor like mask. You go into a state of unconciousness and are taken away essentially into another world. It is all in your mind but it all feels very real."

A little impressed with their outstanding garuntee you decide to let the guy keep going. You're definantly interested. This might just be what you need to get away from the usual sexual experiences. "So, what kind of things happen in these virtual adventures? Can we stop them whenever we want?"

"That depends. There are several different types, some of which have built in timers, others with certain objectives you need to achieve, and others with a sort of sexual experience timer. It is a little complicated, but it is actually quite simple. You see, these sexual adventures are just that, adventures. They are practically games where you are the character. They each have their own objective. Would you like to see our top sellers? I'd highly reccomend them."

More than a little interested now, you quickly nod yes. "Yeah sure!" You absolutely love video games and you are feeling a little adventurous today. Not to mention your sex life hasn't exactly been too pleasing lately. "It is completely private right? Like, people can't see what you see right?" You ask as you walk with him into a high archway to a back room where quite a few of the machines are lined up. With the business in the store you're surprised there are not more.

The sales rep. notices. "Surprised? Don't be. What may seem to you like a long crazy adventure filled will all sorts of things, in the real world it only takes about five minutes. And yes, it is completely private. We do however monitor your vitals with this machine here." He says as he pulls out a small screen from one of the virtual reality machines. "We check your heart rate and other vitals. We can tell if you are having a good time or not. In emergencies we do have the ability to view the adventure but don't worry about that. We make it a huge deal and only managers can't even begin the process of that. Most of us don't have a clue how. Not to mention it is a very public area so if anyone tried anything they would be caught instantly and thrown in jail. Trust me, your privacy is assured and garunteed." He looks up then, giving a smile over to a female representative. "This is Anne, she'll show you more about your options if you are interested."

"Definantly!" You say enthusiastically, starting to get quite excited about trying it. You are still a little skeptical, how can it be as good as these people say?

Anne gives you a big smile and for some reason you feel like anything said between the two of you will be kept quiet. "You are so cute! I'm glad you came in today. I'll hook you up with something amazing, trust me."

You almost blush, but just give her a smile. "Why thank you."

"Ok lets get started." Anne grabs three of the dvd looking boxes off of a smaller shelf. These are our top 3 sellers, 1 from each catagory. Do you know about the categories?" You shake your head and just smiles and continues. "The three catagories are hardcore, adventure, and game. Let me explain each of them to you."

"In hardcore, it is all based on sexual experience. When you've had a certain amount of sexual experiences the game ends. That is your timer as well as your goal. You don't beat the game until you've experienced enough. It is a favorite of those who just want to get right into it. Our most popular by far in this category is the "Club Inferno" where you are shoved right into a very hot and amazingly sexual club in the underground. It is a big favorite of those who want more of the conventional stuff and want to get right into it.

"In adventure, that is exactly what it is! It can have absolutely anything in it and most of the time you have no idea what to expect. We have all kinds of different themes and you typically have on objective to completely before it can end. Our most popular once again by far is this category is the infamous "Jungle Adventure" where you are tossed into a jungle trying to find and collect three shards. That may sound boring and unsexual, but just wait till you see what you have to do to get those as well as what is waiting in the jungle. This is usually a big getter for those seeking something different and just want to take a chance and have fun with it. And once again you can get absolutely anything in here."

"And lastly in game, it is essentially a game. They usually consist of a series of games or competitions in which you participate or run or some sort of crazy objective to complete. This category is quite well known for "Medieval Castle Rescue" where you have to rescue a princess from a castle. It is very exciting and while it has just as much sexual potential as the others it does usually rank the least among the three. It all depends about how you go about it. People who like this are usually into games and into roleplaying as the games can go into any time such as the future or past."

When she gets done you finally close your slightly gaping mouth. "Wow, that stuff really sounds intense. And people say this is that good huh?"

"They sure do." Anne says, directing a customer who just got out of a machine over to you. "This is Trisha, and she has been back just about every day since we have been open. Let her tell you."

Trisha has very wide eyes and looks like she definantly just had a good time. "You have no idea what you're missing. Any kind of sex you've had before this is nothing compared to this. Like, normal sex is practically boring to me now. You have to try it!"

Anne looks over to you with a grin. "And right now if you try one of our best sellers we are so confident that you'll love it and come back that we'll let you do it for free for your first time. What do you say? Want to take five minutes out of your life to experience the best sexual experience of your life?"

You are convinced, though a little skepticism remails. Curiousity however is overwhelming and you quickly say yes. "I think i'm sold! I've never done anything like this before, but here it goes!"

Anne gives you a big smile. "Great! Now lets get you hooked up in Trisha's machine." You are a little nervous as you get strapped in and get the sensors put on you but the excitment drowns it all out. Finally Anne throws three dvds infront of you. "So which one will it be? Jungle Adventure, Medieval Castle Rescue, or Club Inferno?"

You make your selection and Anne pops your choice into the machine and everything starts humming. She gives you an encouraging smile then closes the door on you. "Enjoy!"

At first it seems as if your dreaming but suddenly your jerked awake but not into the real world. You're in a white room in your own virtual world. Absolutely amazed you look down over yourself getting a feel for it. Everything looks and feels absolutely real as if you were there! Then your adventure starts to load.

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