Find a window and jump out

From Create Your Own Story

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You hurry out of the room, sure that Joe’s going to come after you at any moment and beat you to a pulp.  You can’t seem to find the front door, so you push a convenient window open and leap out.  You should have looked first.  You might have noticed that you weren’t on the ground floor.
Willy rides again!
You lie on the ground for a while in a dazed heap.  You hurt all over.  You hear sirens and you hope it’s an ambulance.  Then you pass out.
You wake up in a hospital bed.  Both your arms are in plaster casts from your shoulders to your wrists.  Your hard-on is making a little tent in the crotch of your white hospital gown.
Do you:
*[[Ring for a nurse]]
*[[Try and get some sleep]]
*[[See if you can jerk off]]
{{SexRompStatus|Location=''[[The Hospital]]''|Health=Horny, with your arms in casts|MP=0|Level=1}}
[[Category: Smutty Sex Romp]]

Revision as of 16:06, 20 February 2017

Willy rides again!

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