Dirty Me/Go play in the dust devil

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Moving onto the empty lot, you wait until a nice dust devil comes through. You don't have to wait long.
Moving onto the empty lot, you wait until a nice dust devil comes through. You don't have to wait long.
You walk a long ways today, down major streets, into Circle K's to get nice, cool beverages, stopping at parks to find things to bend over and pick up, and in the mall, where I found ever opportunity that I could to bend over. The wind also found lots of opportunities to blow up my dress. I have always loved running into the little dust devils, with the wind swirling around me and my eyes shut tight so the dirt flying around in a circle did not get in my eyes. Nothing to do with showing off myself, I have done this since I was very little, but when you are wearing a light dress, and the wind caresses you just right, it happens. Especially with no panties. Sometimes I walked, sometimes I ran, sometimes I even skipped.
You feel the wind pick up around you, then see the little bits of dirt flying in a circle.
The first time that someone noticed was while I was running along. Making sure my dress was flipping up enough to show something, a car passed by, with two men in the front. They honked as they passed, and I stopped, sure they saw something. They slowed down a little and gave me as wolf whistle. To reward them for the whistle, I lifted the bottom so the passenger had no doubt that I was not wearing panties. I was rewarded with a loud "Whooo!" as they finished driving by. Bet they would have done more if they knew how my dirty little mind worked.
Closing your eyes, you let the wind engulf you, devouring you.
At one point, I was in the park, near a playground. A man and his wife were there with their two kids.
Your dress lifts up, then pulls back down, then lifts again.
The kids ran off to play on the swings and slides, and the man and wife settled down to watch them. I found a nice position where I could flash the man without his wife or the kids seeing, and sat down. I spread my legs, making sure that my dress was pulled tight on top so it could not fall between my legs and obscure the view. The man kept glancing in my direction, maybe a little more than he should. The wife turned a couple times, and saw me, sitting there with my legs shut tight, reading my text messages. While I was not close enough for the man to get a good look at my pussy, I was close enough for him to see that this girl kept spreading her legs, showing her pussy. I even winked once when I caught him looking directly at me. After the second time his wife turned around to see what he was looking at, I decided it was time to move on. Too bad women get jealous when their husbands keep looking at other women.
Arms out to the sides, you close your eyes, to keep dirt from getting in your eyes, and you feel the pieces of dirt hit your skin, little nips, like an exfoliating treatment, scouring away the dead skin.
Moving on, I made my way down our busiest street, towards the mall. I skipped for a while, enjoying the way my dress lifted, giving passing cars glimpses of legs, thighs, sometimes more. I know some saw me, but am unsure how many, since people drive quite fast on that street.
Your dress catches the wind again, and you feel the bottom, bunching up around your armpits. The wind caresses your legs, your ass, exploring between your legs. You can feel it stroking your pussy, bringing a delighted gasp to your lips, as you stand there, exposed to any passersby.
I stopped by a store to get a bottle of water, bending over to reach the bottle at the very bottom of the cooler, just as the store was empty and I had noticed the clerk glancing my way. I looked up to much delight to notice him quickly averting his gaze. When I went over to pay, I leaned on the counter, giving a nice view down the front of my dress as I talked to him a little, asking a few questions, and watching him try in vain to glance down the front of my dress without appearing to. It was delightfully naughty, and I would have continued if another customer had not came in.
It lasts a short time, before moving away, dissipating, letting your dress fall back into place, no longer held up by the winds soft embrace.
I proceeded to make my way to the mall. I was tempted to pour water over my head, but thought that might be pushing it too far, as if I was not already pushing it far enough.
You wipe away any dirt on your eyelids, then open your eyes.
Once at the mall, I proceeded to go through the different stores. I found lots of things to check out on bottom shelves, forcing me to bend over, and a couple times was even able to find high shelves, reaching up as far as I could, causing my dress to lift enough to show the bottom of my ass cheeks.
In the distance, you see two young boys walking away, in their early teens, rather quickly. Almost like they are in a hurry to be away from here for some reason.
I went into one clothing store and asked to try on some clothes. I closed and locked the door, but made sure the door was not completely closed so the red was showing, but the door could open. With a little push, I opened the door just enough for someone to look in, but not enough to so that I might notice. I saw one of the male store attendants move to just the right place, and took off my dress, exposing my naked ass and back to him. I turned myself slightly, looking in the mirror on the side, and, glancing out of the corner of my eye, noted he still seemed to be there, watching me.
I slipped on the clothes I had selected, some very tight, short shorts and a tube top. I came out, watching him quickly turn around and blush, how adorable. I cleared my throat and asked him how this looked on me. Fumbling around a bit, I pulled the tube top low, almost to the point of coming off, and giggled a bit as he cleared his throat and tried to avoid looking at anything but me. He told me it looked great on me in a bit of a croak. I was tempted to pull the top all the way down, but decided against it. Instead, I went back in the stall, and took the clothes off.
This time however, I decided to go farther.  I opened the door, hiding behind it slightly so no one else could see me if they were in the store, but so he could see my right side, just short of actually seeing something he shouldn't. He had a nice view of my arm, slight view of the side of my breast, could see my outer thigh, almost to my fur since I had rotated my hips slightly.
"Could you please put these back and get the pink chemise I saw near the door?"
Speechless, instead of telling me that I needed underwear on to try on clothes, he took the tube top and shorts. I kept pulling them closer to me as he tried to reach for them, but instead of coming much closer, he stretched out his arm. He was so cute, only two or three years older than me, and I wanted to eat him up.
He fetched the chemise, and I completely opened the door to reach for it. He shoved it in my hand, and turned around quickly.
I again tried it on, slowly, with the door again cracked to give him his chance to peek, and again modeled it once I had it on. This time, he could only stammer as the chemise clung to me. I finally got the words "looks wonderful" out of his halfway incoherent mumbling, before deciding it might be time to leave the store. I again left the door open, just a crack, and changed back into my dress. I am not sure he got up the courage to peek this time.
When I left the room, I could not resist. I walked over to him, handing him the chemise after I had gotten very close to him, told him thanks for the help, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
I left him standing their, deer in the headlights look, and left the store.
At one point, I decided to get a little bolder. Going to the food court, I ordered my food, and, as I was walking to an empty table just past some cute boys, I fell. My dress pulled up, showing what I wasn't wearing. The boys quickly got out of the seat, helping me up, after their brief eyeful.
I am not sure if anyone else noticed my lack of panties, but they certainly did.
They helped me over to the table, and I positioned myself so that, if they looked directly at me under the table, they would have a nice peek. One of the boys replaced my drink and quickly brought it over before joining the others. I sat there, eating my food, texting my friend, peeking at the boys, peeking at me. They didn't leave until I was already gone.
*[[Dirty Me/I am 18, too old to play in these|That was fun, but time to move on]]
[[Category: Dirty Me|Go play in the dust devil]]
[[Category: Dirty Me|Go play in the dust devil]]

Revision as of 15:45, 2 March 2014

You decide that you are never too old to enjoy the things that you did when you were little.

Moving onto the empty lot, you wait until a nice dust devil comes through. You don't have to wait long.

You feel the wind pick up around you, then see the little bits of dirt flying in a circle.

Closing your eyes, you let the wind engulf you, devouring you.

Your dress lifts up, then pulls back down, then lifts again.

Arms out to the sides, you close your eyes, to keep dirt from getting in your eyes, and you feel the pieces of dirt hit your skin, little nips, like an exfoliating treatment, scouring away the dead skin.

Your dress catches the wind again, and you feel the bottom, bunching up around your armpits. The wind caresses your legs, your ass, exploring between your legs. You can feel it stroking your pussy, bringing a delighted gasp to your lips, as you stand there, exposed to any passersby.

It lasts a short time, before moving away, dissipating, letting your dress fall back into place, no longer held up by the winds soft embrace.

You wipe away any dirt on your eyelids, then open your eyes.

In the distance, you see two young boys walking away, in their early teens, rather quickly. Almost like they are in a hurry to be away from here for some reason.

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