Your father decides to use you as a slave

From Create Your Own Story

Cum dripping from your mouth, you weakly look up at your father, and you see him in a state you've never seen before. Lost in thought. Though he speaks well for an orc, he's not the type to use his brain all that much. He's a fucker, not a thinker, and seeing him concentrate so much, makes you chuckle.

Unfortunately, he heard you, and growls, "Think this is funny, bitch?"

Your throat too sore to speak from the skull fucking he gave you earlier, you quickly shake your head. But then both of you jump, when you hear the front door open and close, followed by your mother saying, "I'm home. Got a nice boar for supper."

"Oh shit." your father says under his breath, as he quickly turns to panic.

In a haste, he scrounges around the room for something, until he returns with a collar and leash, which he quickly puts on you just as your mother steps into the room. She freezes when she lays eyes on you, and her smile turns to a scowl. "Honey... who is this?"

Scratching the back of his head, he quickly comes up with an excuse, "Well, I uh... got us a slave while you were gone."

Crossing her arms over her large breasts, squishing them together, your mother gives your father the look. It's a look that even a wild bear would tremble in fear of, and your father is no different. "Oh, and is that why she's covered in your cum?"

"Well I... thought I would break her in a little. You know, make her submissive and all." he awkwardly responds, with a forced laugh.

Your mother joins in his forced laugh, but it's clear she's not thrilled in the least by this sight. "Well, you can sleep on the couch tonight, dearest."

"The... couch?" you father asks, in disbelief.

"Without supper, and without me."

All air escapes his lungs, as this is the first time in your recollection that dad has been forced to the couch without a goodnight fuck from mom. "But..."

But before he can finish his sentence, your mother stomps her foot down, and points to the couch. "Out, now."

His shoulders slump in defeat and he wobbles out of the bedroom, and falls on the couch face down. Mom then turns to you, and closes the door. "As for you."

Trembling in fear of your mother's wrath, you...

Health Half-broken, mated to your father (female dark elf) Equipment:


Experience Lost virginity
HP 10
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